Ongoing Complications (1000+)

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    I have read about what ever else is going through and feel for all of you. I have been dealing with this for over a year and half. I have had CT scans (contrast and no contrast), xrays and thought I was going nuts as no one could figure out what was going on. Thing just started to get worse and worse. I finally decided to change doctors, thinking I might get some where. He decided to redo my ct scan and said that I need to stay away from nuts, popcorn as I had pancreatitis and things were getting lodged which could cause some of the pain. He finally decided to do more blood work which was of course all coming back good except for my triglycerides. Well he decided to test me for Gluten intolerance and amazing enough I am. This apparently can cause lot of issues with your stomach and your intestines with you have things that have gluten in them. So now I am having to learn how to eat Gluten free which I will hopefully start tomorrow. Well I did a little reading into my ct scan to what the doctors wrote. Found on there Pleural Thickenign. didnt know what this was but did alot of research and amazing what it says about abdominal pain, rib cage and chest pain, lumps can form etc. So now we are doing another contrast CT scan in the next week for mesothelioma and did a Echo gram last week. I guess its a start somewhere. I’m not sure if this will help any of you in a new direction or not but I felt that what I am having done to try to figure it out is a little different that what some people have talked about. I hope this really helps someone or maybe a new direction in a blood test.


    “I have also had gallbladder surgery as of 7/3/07. I had no stones, just a poor functioning gallbladder. The last 2-3 months, I have had terrible bloating (like I am going to burst) in the upper abdomen which in turn affects my breathing (it is hard to get a deep breath). I have had some nausea, ringing in the ears, dizziness and others symptoms. I have also had MAJOR anxiety (10 ER visits!) this last year.

    It is so hard to know whether these symptoms are from the digestive tract or if they are from the anxiety. I have been working through the anxiety and with God’s grace and mercy I know that I will get through it. I have never had anxiety attacks until this last year. And, I have never been a sickly person. Rarely sick.

    My question for you is – Have you been having the bloating/breathing problem? Does the acupuncture help with that? Have you had really good results from the acupuncture? I do go to a Chiropractor and it does help. This bloating / breathing is miserable at times. Then I have to fight my thoughts and the hard to breath sensation, so that I do not have anxiety attacks. Sometimes I just want to cry and cry. I feel like “”what has happened to me this last year?”” And all of a sudden! I am 39 and I feel like an old lady after this last year. I want to be 39 not 79.

    Any advise is appreciated.



    When i drink i have severe pains and nausea. its almost like having a gallbladder attack all over again for me..but i dont vomit…and i have been to the doctor and he put me on nexxium which didnt help so he sent me in for a egd…and i have two spots on the inside of my stomach so they gave me medication to clear those up….but i dont know if that is what was causing the pain from the alcohol….and i am afraid to try again lol! it is way to painful….and i also only got the attacks sometimes not everytime…..its almost just not worth drinking…or go ask the doctor b/c there is probably something that can be done so he can drink….


    “Love the health care professionals who say no problem. Take their gallbladders out, let them see what it is like. It gets frustrating being lied to by so many people.
    Many times I have wanted mine back. It has been about seven years for me and if there is one thing I could change in my life, it would be the decision to have my gall bladder removed.
    My intestines have been a mess most of this time. I have experienced health issues I never could have imagined including constant diarrhea, weight gain, shortness of breath, acid reflux, constant nausea and asthma etc.
    For the most part I eat to live and find little joy out of eating anything other than pizza. I love the foods that bind. Anything that is tree hugger healthy is a no no for me.
    Puritis – down right embarrassing and highly uncomfortable. Of all things hemorrhoids and then I took this stuff called Colisted. Took care of the diarrhea but paralyzed my intestine thus the hemorrhoids. Also gained 30 pounds using this garbage.
    I believe Docs know exactly what happens, but it is an easy, relatively low risk and well paying procedure. Does not take a lot of OR time and you know mortgage payments, Mercedes leases and tuition bills are all increasing.
    I have lost an incredible amount of respect for the medical profession as a result of my experience. I go to the Doc far less often than I ever did before. Very few I trust. You have to realize all Docs started off as barbers back-in-the-day.
    Anyone considering this surgery I would strongly suggest exhausting all alternative forms of treatment prior to literally going under the knife. Do what you can to keep it. It really is there for a reason as many of us have found out. ”


    I have the same thing happend to me when I had my gallbladder removed years ago. I hate to say that I don’t really know what to do either. Usually it happends after the first time I eat for the day. Some days are worse than others.I have heard of other people having this happen after having their gallbladder removed. When I told the doctor that removed mine that I was having alot of cramping and diarrea he said,”well you probley are allergic to wheat products.”I have no clue what that had to do with it but I have had these kind of answers from doctors about other thing also.In fact I am 51 and still have not found a doctor that I can say I like to go see. And they wonder why I put going to the doctor off for so long.I know I was not told anything like this could happen if I had my gallbladder taken out and if I would of been told I might of tried other options.If you find out anything that helps let me know. Just remember that your not alone.Take care.Debbie.


    “Anyone Heard of Ercp
    Went to gastro doc yesterday, seems I have sod and he put me on medicine called librax, so many doctors and to much different advice. My surgon that took my gallbladder out said to get ercp and this doctor is very agaist doing one saying they are very dangerous, and might not even help my problem. I dont want to be on meds for the rest of my life! This librax is kicking my butt, feel like im in lala land. The diarreha is unbelievable, and out of control. Anyone have any advice out there, right now im on nextum, librax, and questan light. Help!!!”


    “I had my gallbladder removed in August of 2008, for the first few months no problems, after that I has pain in the same place my gbladder was, I would also get this pains that were not like anything I have ever felt before, the pain was under my shoulder blades.. OMG.. hurt so bad that they had to put me Oxycontin. After doing several research I found a post by a Dr. that had his gbladder removed and he said that the reason people still get acid reflux is because of the bile that is constantly going through our digestive tract, he recommended a product called LYPO GOLD, I bought it at the health food store, I also experienced weight gain, I went from 183lbs to 210lbs.. the pounds started coming off after I took the Lypo Gold and he also recommended FLAX SEED OIL, I take 9 pills a day. Since then, I have had NO problems, NO PAIN and I am down to 190lbs. I am not a Doctor nor do I am I authorized to give medical advice, this is what worked for me.

    Another issue.. Why are so many people in their 30s having their gallbladder go bad? Everyone of my cousins have had their gblader removed, there are 10 of us!! I had no gal stones, mine just quit working.. it became enlarged and hurt so bad..

    I think our generation (between 35 and 45) received something in maybe a vaccination that is the common link to all of the gallbladders going bad.

    Anyone else have theirs go bad and NO galstones?

    Hope everyone feels better.. and I did not have a choice not to have mine removed.. 🙁

    King of Pain
    7 Herniated Disc in my spine and one vertebrae that is starting to invert… with arthritis ….. Tickles!”


    I had gallbladder surgery 2 years ago and I also have that bad metal taste in mouth, I can hardly drink milk and I have tried all kinds, they all make my stomach hurt, also fried foods make my side hurt, foods taste either too salty or sweet, and if am always cold, I thought I was the only one, glad to hear someone else feels like me, thought it was all in my head. Jennifer


    I am 31 year old female and my husband and 13 year old son are going through the same situation they watch me roll around im my bed in pain. When I read your story it was a relief to know that Im not going crazy. I had my gallbladder removed in August of 2005 3 days after my surgery I was in the ER and since then I returned at least 5 times they dx me with contapation or unknown abdominal pain.I was even admitted just recently. I have seen 4 diffrent Doctors they keep putting me on diffrent medications.I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I have a Doctors appointment on 3/23/06 hopefully I can get the answers I need. I hope your Wife gets better and let her know she is not alone I understand the pain she is going through.


    i had my gallbladder removed last year and i have been fine… yes i use the bathroom rather quickly after eating but other then that no problems…. all these posts are freaking me out


    I had my gall badder removed a couple last month ago. Someone recently asked me if I was putting on weight. The scale confirmed this to be true. I’ve never had a weight issue before. Looks like I will have to rethink my diet now & start an exercise regiment 🙁


    I had my gallbladder removed july of 2008 becuase it was only emptying a 11%. I never had any acid reflux in my entire life except during my pregnancy. Now its been almost a year since the gall bladder removal. I noticed a couple months before my gall bladder was removed only a couple times i had heartburn when i drank water. I thought to myself that was very strange. Shortly after i got the gall bladder out i noticed the back my throat was getting red at times. Now as months have gone my throat has been feeling raw but i wasn’t feeling heartburn. Then i went to my ENT he said i did not have a bacteria affection it looks like the cause of my throat being red & irritated was from acid reflux. He prescibed prislec to heal the throat. I took the medicine for 3 or 4 days. I hate medicines and don’t wanna take medicines unless its going to cure the problem. Anyways now a couple months since i seen the ENT the aicd reflux has gotten bad no matter what i eat or drink. I thought maybe i got a ulcer so i seen a Gastro. doc & they did a endoscope but said there was no ulcer & I may have to take prisolec long term. I TOLD HIM I NEVER HAD ACID REFLUX WHAT COULD OF ALL OF A SUDDEN MAKE ME HAVE THIS? He said it just happends. He seemed to not really care about finding the cause just giving me the medicine. I know these antacids are not healthy for you. You can’t absorb nutrients & minerals your body needs. Which leads to all kind other problems.


    Thank you to everyone for sharing your stories. Its so helpful. I had my gallbladder taken out in December of 2007. At the time I was 23 and the docotors thought it couldn’t be stones because I was so young. I was hesistant because I believe in more natural choices. After lots of research and speaking to a couple doctors it was the best choice. I didn’t have a lot of pain after my surgery but for a month or so had bouts of constipation and diaherra. A month or so after my surgery I started having really bad diaherra but only at breakfast. I’d get up extra early to eat breakfast before heading off to work or school because I’d be in the bathroom 3-4 times in an half and hour period. That’s gotten better but I’ve gained about 10 pounds since my surgery. I still excerise and don’t eat worse then before but weight gain. I’ve been really frustarted trying to figure out what’s going on. I remember women at Curves telling me about this problem and everyone’s stories have really helped. I have to get that supplement kit that someone shared. Thanks a lot. It really helps to know other people are also experiencing these things and it makes it less confusing and embarassing.


    hi. i am a 33 year old female and i had my gall bladder removed 3 years ago, 2 years after i found out i had gall stones. life has been pure hell since then. after 6 months of having to have a bathroom close by after i eat anything, it was suddenly replaced by unbearable pain in my stomach every time i ingested anything. i have a 5 year old child. i found out i was pregnant after 3 days after i found out i had gall stone, thus the delay in the surgery. my life since then have been filled with pain, doctors, medications i need and didn’t need, lots of crying and prayers. my heart goes out to everyone that has to deal with this. for a long time, i thought i was the only one and i thought it was just my doctors who actually tried to put me on anti-depression meds. because they told me it was depression and nothing to do with physical pain. i think they called it a functional problem. well, good news to all the years of pain is that i think i’ve finally found a g.i. who really believes me and is ready to get to the bottom of this. first thing he wants to do is to find out it i have more stones blocking my bile ducts by performing MRI. i don’t know what will happen after that but at least he’s doing more than just blood tests and endoscopy after endoscopy. good luck to all of you out there and i’ll post updates if there are any good or bad news after my MRI. thanks.


    “To: Any who can help
    Thanks to everyone who has written in. Your comments have helped a lot. Sorry to the people who wrote in 2000 what Im feeling now. Not much hope if we’re still saying the same thing 7 years later. My story: I have had acid reflux, ulcers, stomach cramping/pain, constipation or toilet sprints, since I was about 13 (30 now) after my second child Dec 96, I started having pains in the rib cage area on right side. Doc said it was my body getting back to normal after baby. Almost ten years later (04/06) my fiance died causing depression/stress unimaginable and leaving behind a 9 month old son and my 12 yr old daughter. That is when all the above body problems got out of control. 8/06 I started talking to my doc about seriously starting tests (everyone said no need in the past). He still said “”not needed, all of it is stress””. A month later I began to have pain so bad I thought I was going to die, but within 15 minutes it was gone. This went on until the surgery. I thought I was going crazy. 11/06 My friend took me to the ER because we thought I was having a heart attack (she’s in nursing). They hooked me up to an EKG monitor, I was still having twinges of pain, but all they said was my heart sped up with my pains and slowed. I had a x rays, an mri and an ultrasound. They said all is fine go home and get some rest. Same thing 2 days later. Rushed to (different) hospital, more xrays and another ultrasound, all is fine and back home to rest but this time told to call my doc. Called him and he brushed me off for 2 days. I told him if he didn’t send me to a professional I was going to the hospital until they found something and then sue him. He called a surgeon, she was at the hospital where all my latest tests were. After looking at them, she called me for me to go to the hospital for a special test. They put a dye in me and monitored it for (2) 45 min sessions. I was supposed to wait there until she was told the results. By the time I was done redressing (10am), I was told that I had an appt at the hospital the next day at & 7am to have my gb taken out. I was supposed to go to her office right then for explanation then go home and plan for me to be out of commission for the next week (as far as my kids were concerned) and to tell my boss I’d see him in 3-4 wks. My explanation was my gb opening wasn’t putting out the amount of bile it should have been but bile was still being produced. Basically my gb was going to burst. As far as after, all she said was it would take about a year for my body to be totally better and to watch my fatty/spicy foods. Why the ultrasound didn’t show a rather large gb, who knows. Never did anyone tell me about: possible dumping syndrome. Actually, she said my bowel problems would be worked out and normal after this was done. NOT!!! First, I woke up and all I could hear was a person in pain moaning ohhhh over and over and wanted them to shut up. I was so groggy I didn’t realize that person was me until they put something under my nose and I felt like someone was stabbing me repeatedly in the side. My O2 level dropped to 68 and wouldn’t come up. They finally got it to 80 and sent me to recovery, still moaning a lot. They doped me up some more and within 1 1/2 hrs I went home where I spent the next 2 days not eating, sipping water, taking pills, moaning, only getting up to go to the bathroom, and could only lie on my left side w/pillow under me. On the 3rd day, moving around some and eating a bite or 2. 4th day a little more movement/food. 5th day!!! Eating more-BATHROOM SPRINTS START. I ate, I ran to toilet, it was gone. This went on for about 2 weeks. Then all of a sudden I was fine. Surgery was the day b4 Thanksgiving of 06 and by the 6th of Dec I was in Mexico. A trip planned for almost a year. Fine the whole time there eating almost normal food. The end of Dec the bathroom sprints started again but not too bad. Still so so in July 07 feeling almost back to normal. Aug 2nd, I started the b-room sprints 5/6 times a day, whether I ate/drank or not. All different times of the day. Also, gb attack pains at other times. BAD! Can’t nail what could have triggered it. Nothing has changed. Been w/a weight management company for the last 3 months that teaches you good and bad foods, what certain foods do to your body, and how to eat healthy w/out loosing the flavor plus working out while being monitored. Can’t figure out what is going on. All that comes out of me is water consistency and looks like nothing I’ve seen. (sorry for the nasty description) Called the doc, he said it was probably part of the recovery. Same from the surgeon. Tried to go to a different doc and they said with problems after a surgery, I should stay w/the docs I’ve been going to because they know what’s going on. Apparantly not!!! I have no insurance. No one will pay for preexisting problems. I don’t know what to do and I don’t want to end up seeing lots of docs, having lots of tests, ending up w/no answers. Any one have ideas what to do??? Taking care of 12 yr old and 2 year old w/no dad. Can’t afford to miss work so I’m still working w/this problem in a busy customer service and sales job. Any ideas/suggestions would greatly be appreciated.”

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