Ongoing Complications (1000+)

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    Just wanted to get back to you. I have gone in waves of gastro issues, but I deal with them as they come. I have changed a whole lot about what I eat. One thing everyone tells me to eat is a lot of salad, but I actually have a very hard time digesting lettuce. I avoid whole salads, which makes some dieting hard. I have not been as vigilant with my diet, so I can’t complain if I have pains, it’s partly my own fault. Otherwise, I’ve just learned to accept that doctors don’t want anything to do with holistic-minded people who really don’t want to take a pill to cure things. I suppose that is what the mass majority of us want is a quick fix, but I’ve lived with this too long to be looking for a quick fix. Sometimes I feel bad, other times I feel good. I just have to watch everything I put in myself. I hope you get better, and if there was one piece of advice I could give it would just be to keep track of what you eat and listen to your body and not yourtaste buds. Now if I could just follow my own rules more often…


    Hi I have also had my GB removed 3 years ago. And I am now 23. I have always been overweight but was able to get it down by diet and exsercise. I remained a healthy weight until i had my Gb removed. Ive gained almost twice what I was before. I have literally tried EVERYTHING! i have dieted worked out stopped eating watched what I ate and nothing. Only thing that worked for me was a prescribed medication called Adipex. I lost my insurance so now Im trying to see if my doctor will prescribe it again. I also have sudden urges to have boul movements literally minutes after I start eating. It has its pro and cons. I just dont understand how can i not loose weight when i use the bathroom every 5 minutes it seems. I feel tired all the time as in lack of energy and im too young for that. Anyone have any advice? Desperate for ideas.


    I had my gallbladder removed a month ago, I am not a big drinker maybe 1 time every 6 months, yesterday I had some drinks at the river (just beer) like 4, I am a light weight so the fact I was some what tipsy is no surprise, but the fact that I now feel like I am going to die is all new, I have been throwing up, dizzy, stomach cramps and alot more, I have had a hangover before but this is different. I am just going to stop drinking all together, the pain and discomfort is not worth it.


    “I had my gallbladder removed about 9 months ago. I have felt fine up
    until about a month or two ago. I started having severe acid reflux. I
    was put on Nexium with no luck, Aciphex with no luck. They thought I
    might have a hiatal hernia and put me on Reglan which made me so dizzy
    and jittery I couldn’t take it. I am currently on Prevacid. It treats
    the reflux. But along with it I have pain (twinges) above my belly
    button, pain under my right rib cage just like before I had the
    gallbladder removed, back pain, diarrhea (of course), sick at my
    stomach, tender underarms and I feel like I am gaining weight instead
    of losing. My main complaint is that I feel like I have something
    stuck in my throat. That feeling is always there. Anyone else have
    similar issues?? If so how are you treating them??? Any help would be
    greatly appreciated!! ”


    Hi, you have all been lied to. Without a gallbladder in place you cannot process food properly. Continual flowing bile into the small intestine causes huge health problems. You will spend years looking for answers and never be told the truth. In order to obtain surgery consent – they withhold the truth form you “you will never be able to live a healthy life again”. To maintain the lie, heath professionals cannot offer you help as they would then have to acknowledge to horrible truth about the side affects. This is admitting liability. For some gallbladder surgery is a multimillion dollar income stream. I watched my waist grow an inch an month. My body was simply blocking up. What I did was to cycle up to 100 mils per day for a month to flush out my body. I literally watched all the symptoms disappear weekly. Fist the indigestion, then the stomach pains, then the acid reflux and the waist line decrease by 4-6 inches. I have to avoid desk jobs. Sitting for long periods accelerates the bloating /blocking and keep up the huge cardio out put to allow the body to flush each day. I have not found any other solution that works… I have my GB out 2006. My life has been racked, I have lost all. Please be aware, Celiac disease can be caused from bile damaging the small intestine.


    “I, too, have been in constant pain since my gallbladder was removed in 2008. I didn’t have stones, just occasional upsets that were diagnosed as poor function. Made a bad choice, and submitted to the surgery. When I awoke, screaming in pain, I had a rectus sheath hematoma. The surgeon kept me in the hospital, but made no effort to try to discover the cause of the pain. Discharged me with Vicodin and went on vacation! When the pills were gone, the pain was worse, so went to the ER and got some IV morphine, and a CT scan, which revealed the hematoma. More Vicodin, then an appointment with a GI doc to do an ERCP to remove the “”stuck stone”” from my bile duct. Went home and thought about that, in a clearer moment, and cancelled that appointment since I had no stones to begin with.

    After years of diagnostic tests, including a trip to the University of Minnesota SOD clinic, there was no diagnosis to be had, other than nerve damage. The pain has not changed in all the years, it’s a burning knife under my right ribs that occassionally twists. Sometimes it travels up around my ribcage, and then I can’t breathe.

    I then tried a Pain Management clinic. First tried all the drugs, lyrica, neurontin, cymbalta, etc., to no avail. Then was put on narcotics, oxycodone (45mg per day) and morphine (30mg per day). Didn’t like the constant fog, but pain was better. Did a trial of a celiac plexus block, where they go through your back to get to the nerve bundle. I was not informed of the possible consequences of this procedure (they place the needle through major organs, and you could end up with a paralyzed colon),and had no success anyway. I don’t recommend this type of block to anyone!

    I then did a trial of a spinal cord stimulator, with moderate success. I had decided to go through with that surgery, when my Pain Dr. decided I was no longer a suitable patient, for reasons unknown. At that point I had a breakdown and became suicidal. I was diagnosed with major depression and generalized anxiety, due to chronic pain. I guess that can happen to a lot of chronic pain sufferers, so don’t be afraid to get help when you need it!

    4 months later, I was out of the hospital, and searching for a new answer. I’ve tried buprenorphine, which actually helped me get off the narcotics, but stopped working for me after about 6 months. I have since stopped all drugs, and am working with a traditional (ie. not a chiropractor) acupuncturist and also use a TENS unit. The acupuncture stops the deep pain, and the TENS takes care of the ribcage pain. I have about 60% relief from these measures.

    Does anyone have success with more naturopathic treatments?”


    Hello I had my gallbladder removed in 2002, from day one had a niggly pain then about 18 months later suffered very looses tools, yellow and pale, severe pain in my liver, inflamation constant burning, had MRi showed fatty infiltration of the liver and benign liver tumor focal nondular hyperplasia, now have stomach pain and severe pain under right ribcage, and bewteen should blades and lower back, had endocscopy showed stomach now inflamed, I was well before this, other than the stones but didnt feel anywhere like i do now, I also am hyper allergic to pencillin now and suffer from althetes foot, teeth are not good now and generally feel very unwell, unhealthy420


    I had my GB removed 6 years ago and also didn’t receive any advice on after effects. I cannot eat fresh cream or spicy food, not that I miss them. I do suffer occasionally with loose bowel movement and a bubbly stomach and acheing in my back under the right shoulder blade. I still get heartburn and take ‘Tums’ or gaviscon for relief. Wind is another problem and can be embarassing at times. I thought I had a problem but it seems I am not the only one. The only consolation is I am not in the pain I was before. When I was younger I was told ‘it is in the family’ as a good many of my relations have have their GB removed or suffer similar problems or been taken to hospital with suspected heart attact! I have warned my children.


    “Hello all!
    I am a 31 year old female who had my gallbladder removed in 2005. I have experienced a life of constant diarrehhia after eating meals, I mean within minutes of the last bite. This seemed to be my only problem until here recently. I am currently losing weight, having pain on my right side and pelvic region, frequent urination and lightheaded and tired all the time. Does anyone know if this could be a side effect to the gallbladder being removed? My doctor is treating this as if I am having phantom symptoms I guess. By the way, I also had to have my appendix removed due to it being burst at the same time as my gallbladder removal. I have lost 22 pounds in 3 weeks and I wasn’t overweight to begin with. Any suggestions? ”


    “Hi, 27 f here. I had my surgery last September. Everything went fine, no real pain and I healed nicely.

    Now all of a sudden I am having major digestion problems. Now that I have read this thread I know Im not alone and I realize it must be related to having my GB taken out. Right now all I am really experiencing is a lot more gas (which I can deal with), and diaria, which is very uncomfortable. Only in the last week have I had these problems and I am pretty sure its not going to stop. I soemtimes feel sick after I eat and for the most part I am scared of eating if I know I have things to do soon after. I hate having to run to the toilet like my life depends on it. Its becomming very anoying and it doesnt seem to matter what I eat for this to happen (like a lot of you have said).

    And now after reading alot of what most have said here, I guess I should expect pain in the near future to follow. Like GB attacks. Which makes you think, what was the point of the surgery if its only going to continue?

    It seems most of your doctors send you right back home and pretty much expect you to deal with it. And there doesnt seem to be any real diet that will work. Just take Stomach meds and pain killers?

    Please can someone make a list of some stomach over the counter meds I can take for the diaria, and any helpful tips on what can prevent these attacks or digestion problems would be nice. thanks. ”


    I had GB removed Jan. 5th 2010. Was sick as a dog prior to it for a few months. The surgery itself was a cake walk, pain didnt even require an advil or anything. However, I have had at least 3 nasty bouts of what felt like another GB attack even though its gone and half a dozen other attacks lasting for 3-5 days at a time with nausea and abdominal discomfort. Doc said it can take up to 6 months and after seeing the posts in here I guess I can take that. I have been given Zantac for the acid reflux c**p I have developed. But its hard to eat or take pills when you feel miserable. The only time I feel great is when I’m sleeping, lol. Anywho, I had 108 stones and the GB removed. Checked a few weeks later for additional stones and none. All my bilirubin level tests have been normal. I know it has to get better…I can’t live like this forever. Seriously, I cannot. I need to be able to work. So far I have been unemployed with this c**p for over a year. I can’t hold a spot when I am sick every other week for days at a time. Considering getting on SSI or disability or something. Doc said I’m not crazy, but depressed and I can go along with that too. Gave me an anti depressant to take now. Gonna start it this week. Blarg. This is not fun. Sex life is down the drain cuz of feeling like c**p all of the time. Marriage is suffering now. What the hell are we supposed to do? If I am not doing better in 3 months, what then? Sorry needed to vent a bit.


    “I started having gallbladder problems in 2007, they got steadily worse until I went wheat-free in March 2012. I went off wheat after doing an 8 month food journal and realizing it was causing extreme fatigue, but then I noticed that my gallbladder suddenly stopped hurting too, yay! I have refused gallbladder surgery over and over through the years because I felt that there was an underlying cause to my problems not related to poor eating and I hoped to find it. I eat a natural whole foods diet with very little meat and have always been very thin no matter what I ate. My mother, grandmother and sister all have gallbladder disease as well and my mother’s brother had pediatric celiac disease which he apparently outgrew (is that even possible?). My husband has been told by a doctor he is wheat intolerant, he has occasional gallbladder pain, but he prefers to eat wheat and deal with the consequences. His mother has gallbladder disease as well. That is the genetics my kids face.

    This week my EIGHT YEAR OLD son had two gallbladder attacks. I was shocked and horrified. I don’t know how to take care of a kid with gallbladder disease and I’m worried about how he’s going to deal with the pain if it gets worse. I looked up celiac disease and he does have all the symptoms, but I’m afraid if I tell the doctor I suspect celiac because of gallbladder problems he’ll want to do surgery instead of celiac tests. This article was a little reassuring to me that I might be on the right track with my suspicions. Hopefully my doctor will agree.”


    I usually have pain later on in the day and definitely after supper. Doesnt seem to matter what I eat. If I eat a higher fat meal, I will get noticeable “spasms” I can feel upper area, just below my ribcage centre. I have had three ERCP’s. First was in 1996..They had removed my GB and two weeks after had to go back in with ERCP to remove a stone they missed in the common bile duct. Then two years ago, same pain again and I ended up with another ERCP after 3 days in emerg. This time they removed sludge and cut my sphincter of Oddi (SP?) as apparently it appeared to have healed “funny”. Then same pain starting this past May. Had another ERCP but this time I was told there was no sludge. Still in pain almost every day and all my enzymes only slightly elevated. When the pain is very severe I suspect pancreatitis. My surgeon and family doc are perplexed. I am on Lyrica and pain killers.


    almost 3 months post cholecystectomy and I started having left upper quadrant pain, right under my stomach that radiates to my back and shoulder, a stabing pain right below my sternum, my heart hurts and not like a heart burn pain but like a deep muscle pain and then the gallbladder pain returned but I have no gallbladder. I was really concerend I may have been going completely crazy. My fiance says I’m a hypocondriac (dont know about hte spelling). It is so relieving to just hear other people say they are having the same problem. I am concerned about pancreatitis mainly, but the pain is really graiting on my nerves. I dont know what to do at this point.


    “Man all these horror stories I’m confused. Because my mother had her GB taken out and can have several glasses of wine and be fine next day, just a little diarrhea. She can also eat sausage mcmuffins. Now my other friend had hers taken out and her sister taken out and they drink like fish all night! No major hangovers and come to work next day after partying. They drink about 4 times a week. One drinks long islands ice teas. The other shots. So it’s an individual thing.
    Someone mentioned APARAGUS TABLETS two hrs before drinking. Has anyone tried them?”

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