I too lost weight since getting my GB removed…it will be 2 years this march. I have the pains on my right side that some have described and loose stool…sometimes Reah depending on how much fat the food I am eating contains. However, unlike a lot of people on this blog I have experienced weight loss not gain. I went from 230 to 160 since having it out and have literally not seen the inside of a gym the entire time. I don’t really watch what I eat either….I don’t purge but have at least one peice of candy everyday and some kind of dessert pretty much every night….I and all my friends and family contribute it to my GB being gone….???? I guess it affects everyone differently
I had my GB out last December. I never had any trouble until last August and then I had 4 bad episodes pretty close together. I would like to know what the supplement is that you are talking about. If you would please share this information with me I would appreciate it very much.
Thank you,
Catherine Long”
“Wow, I am blown away at all the posts about URQ pain. I have been experiencing it for two months now with no resolve. My pain is consistent in the same area as if there is some foreign object there that doesn’t belong. It gets worse with sitting and laying on that side. The only slight relief is laying down. I find I have trouble breathing or it just seems like I take more deep breaths. But my lungs were clear when my doc checked.
I have had no gallbladder for 4 yrs, and a partial hysterectomy (7 yrs ago). So far the docs have checked for blood clots, both with blood tests and a CT Scan, checked my liver function, a chest xray and now I am scheduled for a check of my bladder (with the camera) and an ultrasound of my kidneys. After reading all these posts it appears that I’m gonna be searching for this cause for some time. I’m glad I found out that I am not the only one though :). ”
had my gall bladder out 2 years ago. was very infected and yukky (apparently) and i was very ill at the time. onslaught was sudden though for most of my life id never digested fatty foods very well.
well. ive been reading around this topic and im bothered about something. i dont know if its phantom gall bladder feelings, adhesions or what it is, but i can ‘feel’ something under my ribs, where my gall bladder used to be. its like theres something there. theres no pain, no discomfort, though i am having occasional acid reflux, but rarely. it just feels odd. its been going on for a couple of months now.
as an experiment i went on a fast for two days, just water and fruit. the feeling went away or anyway reduced right down.
ive spoken to my doc and she just said, ‘oh well, sometimes people have discomfort’ – so no help there.
something else thats been happening is that ive been getting gurgling sensations around there and further down a sort of swollen, hardness that comes and goes. im kinda thinking that might just be irritation caused by bile excretions.
does anyone recognise this and can you please ease my mind. its really bugging me.”
I had mine removed almost 18 years ago I am now 40 and still deal with these issues I was told to stay away from meats,spices,dairy ect. they want me to be a rabbit but this does no good please if you have come across any thing that helps please let me know this pain is a remember when pain and dislike it so very much along with all the other issues that goes with the eating and pain its not easy finding a restroom in public or going all day at work without eating so you dont get sick!
I had my gallbladder removed in 2007 and like many of you I was still experiencing severe pain. I tried different diets, medications and more tests. I was desperate and starting researching natural supplements and discovered an article about Taurine. I discussed this with my PCP, visited a local herbal store, asked more questions and decided to give it a try. Two tablets on a empty stomach 1 hour before eating, twice a day and it worked for me, no more pain!! Taurine 1000mg 100 capsules price $11 at the herbal store, half price if you order online, but if you consider the shipping cost and the wait, $11 bucks is not bad. Although, I still have the occassional running to the bathroom after a meal, that I can handle. Good Luck and I hope it works for you as well.
I’m so relieved to see other’s have this problem! I had my gallbladder removed about a year ago and drank for the first time 2 weeks ago and was sick for the entire weekend after. Since I only had 1 margarita, it never occured to me that it could have been the alchohol! At the time I thought I had food poisoning. Not knowing any better, I had 2 glasses of wine last night at our business retreat dinner and am embarrassed to say I had to leave our business meeting 3 times this morning to be sick and finally gave up and had to go home. Now I have to face my co-workers on Monday not knowing what they think! Having my gallbladder removed was an emergency surgery procedure, but I still don’t understand why the doctors didn’t tell me what could or couldn’t be done afterwards.
My name is Melissa and my post wont look any different from the rest. I had my gallbladder removed 8 wks after my first child 7 yrs ago I was 24. I don’t know which is worse life before or after both are bad. I have gotten so tired of the bloating, heartburn, nausea, gas, cramping, diarrhea within 20 minutes of eating, vomiting, I look like I’m pregnant all the time. Now the doctor tells me I have IBS, the scope proved that. I can’t control my body and my family and marriage are suffering so bad. Everyday is a challenge. Most times I don’t even care to eat cause the suffering afterward is unending. It forces you to eat right and exercise but sometimes that isn’t enough. This is obviously becoming a popular problem. I thought it was weird when my mom and sister had there’s removed around the same time period as me. Then I chalked it up to a genetic problem. Now, seems like its bigger. I wish a doctor could make a bile bag to hang on my side and pump it back like it used to be. I would try it anything has got to be better than being a fire breathing poop shooting monster.
Andy- I was glad to read your article because I am going through the same process. My gallbladder was taken out 11-4-2005 and I am going through the whole painful ordeal. My side hurts 24/7-365 days for the past 4-years. My best day is pain level 3-which is very rare, otherwise a constant 6/7 pain level. Doctors/hospitals/specialist done many tests to find nothing- just keep pushing me through the system to get their monies but we get no relief. My pain is not when I eat cause I can not eat too much-water/crackers/pretzels and baby size portion piece of chicken for protein to keep me energy. After struggling these past 4+ yrs. I’m tired and weak- lost alot of weight-110 lbs on a good day- I’m 5ft.-5in. If you get any results there at the Mayo Clinic-yes- please pass on. My Dad was telling me about that place. My monies is so drained from all of this neglence and incompetence. If I should go- I want it to be in my home! Not under a bridge w/ the homeless. After many of test I found out that I have Surgical clips present within the porta (report on my very last test-CT). Does anyone else have this after their gallbladder removal and What is it-or-why? God Bless You All- I feel so much for every one here! Cindy
“Did any of you experience this kind of pain prior to having your gallbladder removed? I was doing a search on google that landed me here. I was searching for these exact symptoms but my gallbladder has not been removed. I’ve never had any abdominal surgeries in fact.
I have had these symptoms for many years. I dread eating the first meal of the day due to the pains. Sometimes it’s just a feeling of pressure and sometimes the stabbing pains are enough to have me doubled over with pain.
I have tried different foods and the effects are still the same. Sometimes cereal will cause horrible pain and sometimes almost none at all. The same thing is true with all foods I’ve tried.
I’m putting this forth as a suggestion that there may be something else involved. It seems that all of you are looking for something related the the removal surgery. It could, however, be possible that there was another underlying problem that became apparent when the gallbladder was removed.
If anyone comes up with a definitive answer on this subject I’m sure we would all love to know about it.”
I had my gallbladder removed April 2005, I too have had constant diarehea, also problems with weight gain. I started working out in January and started watching what I ate and to this day I have not lost any weight. I am very discouraged and have stopped going to the gym. Now I am having problems with constipation. So I don’t know what is going on with my body. All I know that this is all occured since I had the surgery.
I had my gallbladder removed 5 years, after some serious episodes of pain from stones. The pain between the shoulder blades and shortness of breath were unbearable so I was relieved that the doctor was confident that the op was the answer to my problem. Since the op I have experienced regular bouts of abdominal pain which is nearly as bad as the excrutiating pain of gallstones. Fortunately I don’t suffer with constant diahhorea, but I am very embarrassed with severe flatuence. Are these common symptons assosiated with gallbladder removal and is there any medication that can help.?
I have suffered nerve damage for over 7 years. It took 5 years to diagnose. I am on Lyrica and topical freezing as well. I think they want to do surgery now to resection the nerve to a healthy nerve. I am still working full time but that is all I can do. It is totally exhausting working full time with this kind of pain. I feel bad for my family. I don’t know if anyone else had this done and if it works or not.
Hi everyone, I have read all your blogs and have noticed that my symptoms are actually the same except for other things.I had my gallbladder removed sept 25 2009.Since that day II’ve experienced diarrhea everyday all day.No matter what I eat or drink I find myself in the bathroom. The pain in unbearable.I have gained about 25 pounds in the last year. I’ ve had a colonoscopy done about 9 months ago and everything was normal..My GI told me I was Lactose and tolerant..Then it was the fatty foods..Now he just don’t know..I’m at my witts end with this.I’m physically and emotionally done with this..I don’t know what to do.I take anti-diarrhea medication everyday just to feel some type of normal bowel movents and nothing seems to help. I have 3 incisions and a bulge that don’t go away..If anyone can help it will be greatly appreciated..I’m open to any advice..I hope you all get well soon.Thanks for reading..Heather
I too had my gallbladder removed on 7/7/06 and for the first few days I did GREAT but a few days later, I began to get real sick with extreme nausea, dry heaves, throwing up as well as diahrea. I FINALLY got into my surgeon and he said for me to go get a blood test and ultra sound done on my abdomen and so I did and that is when he told me that there was leakage from my liver but then he told me that it should “hopefully” heal itself and time and “mother nature” would be the only thing he felt would help right now. He said it was only an inch in size; therefore, he did not feel a need to do surgery nor drain the fluid. Whatever, right? Well, I just wanted to respond and let folks know I know the feeling………..