“I had mine removed in June 2005. After the surgery I lost a lot of weight and could not gain any for about 2 years. Then I started gaining quickly and in massive amounts. I have gained it all where women tend to Hips and Abdomen. Since I had the surgery I have also had massive bouts with IBS, something I did not have before. Earlier in 2009 I was getting really sick of gaining the weight despite how active I was. I looked to foods that would be good to aid in the digestive track and then started losing weight again. I also started taking the Bile salts; I found it in a food enzyme supplement that my mum sent me. I began to eat Okra (broiled not fried, I rely dont like Okra but it works) 3 times a week and the other four days I eat food that contains spinach. The spinach which I like raw but not cooked has to be cooked to allow the nutrients to be released otherwise human digestive system will not break it down properly, so I eat it with pasta like chicken Florentine or in a Sag like sag ghost . I also take a Psyllium based fiber product about 1/2 hour before eating I take that with soy lecithin if im not eating soy that day. Once a day usually about lunch I take 1/4 teaspoon of capsicum I put in a capsule since it’s hard to take it in pepper form. I also eat salmon 2-3 times a week if when can’t afford fresh salmon I take an omega 3 from flax supplement. The tinned salmon is bad for you.
Sine I made these adjustments the weight has been coming off like it should a healthy 2-4 pounds per week. I hope it helps some of you here it sure helped me.
“Hi all. I have been suffering with Gallstones since i was 16 i am now 21 and had my gallbladder removed in Aug 2007. Even though i recovered fast I have been in and out of hospital for the past 2 years or so, i have had every test you can imagine and yet still no answers as to why i am still suffering the same pain.
I am always bloated and find it impossible to loose weight. Many of you have said that you suffer with toilet problems i experience that also its either i wont go 4 a month or so and then reverse roles so i cant stop going.
All these problems really get me down i am still young i work full time, study and go out with friends but it worries me to do things that people my age should be doing e.g. partying all weekend etc.
If anyone can help or has some advise i would be grateful.
I had my gallbladder and appendix taken out last october 2008 at the same time. I have had more pain since than then ever. I have been diagnosed with diverticulitus and have been to 3 doctors since my gallbladder was taken out. I have horrible pain from below my breasts down to my lower stomach and no doctor can seem to figure out what is wrong with me. I just went to a specialist last week and yesterday I had a CT Scan done on me from below my breasts down to my lower stomach and of course again they see nothing wrong. I have been told in the past month that my red blood cells were elevated (which was from the first set of blood tests) then a month later more blood tests and now they tell my my liver enzymes are highley elevated. I went to my family physician today and saw nothing wrong with my ct scan. I am in constant pain. I have not been able to work for the last 2 months except for maybe 1 to 2 days of a week and some weeks not at all. In order for me to work from home doing the job I do I have to be diagnosed, which no doctor has been able to tell me whats wrong. Today my doctor put me on steroids and told me they don’t know what is wrong with me. So, if I can’t be diagnosed, then I can’t work from home. In the mean time, I live alone, I have no income coming in and I am about to lose everything. All the while these doctors can’t figure out. I am so desperate that I cryed and begged my boss to fire me one day so atleast within a couple of weeks I could get unemployment. I can’t file for disability either until I am diagnosed. I cry all the time and freak out which makes me hurt worse about my financial situation now. It just seems no one can help me. I have tried everything!
I have endometriosis. Had it diagnosed, then removed (two surgeries within one year, 2005).
Then I still had pain… Sonogram report said polyp. 5 Doctors I talked to all said, “”Remove the gallbladder”” (third surgery within two years of first, on December 15,2006).
Turns out the polyp was a whole bunch of cleverly disguised stones.
Now, over a year later, I feel as if I have the gallbladder pain again. I’m on the toilet within 10 minutes of eating most things, and I’m just very frustrated at hearing IBS.
IBS should stand for “”It’s Bull Shit”” considering that it’s just a name they give your problems until they figure out what’s REALLY wrong.
Now, I’m worried that I’ll need yet another surgery for stones in bile ducts.
Not to mention the wonderful feeling of Anal Fissures while I’m already experiencing the discomfort of the explosions. (BTW, that’s another one my doctor wants to do surgery for…).
I don’t regret having my gallbladder out, because I had at least one attack. It was extremely painful. Don’t need that again.
I DO regret the way our bodies won’t forgive past issues. Getting something one time doesn’t always mean you’re safe. Sometimes it means chances of another occurrence go up”
“I too have been dealing with reflux and burning stomach pains that have been bad, especially at night, after gallbladder removal 2 months ago. I appreciate all the posts with so much good information. Just thought I would add that I read on one site that a magnesium deficiency was found in many people with post-gbremoval symptoms. Supplementing with this can cause diarrhea though if it’s too much for your body. It couldn’t hurt to have it checked when getting labs done. Or trying one pill a day and see how your body responds; it it’s better great, or if not, then just stop it. Since I don’t have the diarrhea already, it helps me it seems. Though I still have to try the carafate and am still working on it.
Hi, I am 3 weeks post lap chole and still having issues. I am having dull and sharp pains under my ribs and my back. I had my follow up last week. Surgeon said I was healing fine, she thinks its just post op pain, and did not want to write me another script for pain meds. She advised me to come back if the pain persists. That same night the pain got unbearable and also included my lower abdomen and hurt like hell when I went to the restroom. I have had quite a few UTIs in the past and thought, great, now I’m also getting a UTI on top of the post op pain. So, I went to my PCP and explained my issues. He told me it could be post op pain, and also a kidney infection/stones. He sent my urine off for culture and scheduled a CT. I am now just waiting for results. He also wrote me a script for pain meds, thank god. I am in pain for most of the day ever since my surgery, wether it be in my stomach, or back, or both. Reading all of these posts is a slight relief to know it isn’t just me, but leaves me wondering if I will ever find out the cause. Has anyone had any success? I would really like some help/answers. I am hoping to get my results back soon, and hopefully know more. Please respond or reply. Any thoughts or info would be greatly appreciated!
I too had my gall bladder removed last year and the same thing happened to me. I even had a scope (gastroduodenoscopy) of my stomach done, but there was no abnormalities there. Finally, I started monitoring the foods that I ate and the things I drank and noticed that certain foods (and the preparation of them), plus some things I drank irritated my stomache. At first it was hard to change, and even now I slip and suffer the consequences. I don’t know if I will ever know why this happens to me, but I am just glad that the scope showed no cancer or disease. Try keeping a journal of what you eat or drink and write down the effects. This will help you, not anly eat healthier, but it will help you to avoid the pain and discomfort. You can also experiment with the preparation of foods too and try different herbs. I used to fry or deep fry foods a lot and that was a killer, but now I broil, bake or barbeque and I avoid MSG (monosodium glutamate), that is a killer on the stomache. Hope this helps you!
“Unfortunately, i had my gall bladder out when i was just 17.
i am now 23 and still feeling the effects- I have not had such good luck.
I am constantly nauseated, extremely exhausted, i have hot and cold flushes constantly, i have heartburn, regular reflux and each morning begins with me emptying my stomach of all the extra acid that built up over night- this continues through the day.
Only the Plus side i have lost 40kg and kept it off.
I have found that if i keep away from processed, creamy, spicy and fatty foods (basically anything that tastes nice!) i manage to keep my extra acid levels to a minimum- although i ALWAYS feel nauseated and tired.
I am a Swimming coach + instructor, so i exercise regularly- when my stomach isn’t too upset that is!
The only thing that i have found that helps is taking an anti-acid table just before i got to bed.
I have seen COUNTLESS doctors in regards to this matter, none of which have been able to help me. ”
After my gallbladder surgery 5 years ago I had the same problem with bile dumping. My doctor put me on colestid. Sometimes I need it several times a week and sometimes I can go for months without a problem. Colestid has solved my problem. It must be taken two hours between other medications and I put the powder in applesauce when I take it.
“I had my gallbladder out 6 weeks ago-thank heavens the pains have stopped. I did really well up until a couple days ago-am still doing well I guess but I get a feeling of gas fullness in the area where the gallbladder used to be.
Now I wonder why now when it wasn’t doing that before? It’s not pain, just a feeling of a balloon blowing up… ”
ive had mine since 2000 , ive had trouble every since , I think you should get another opinion because it may be youre liver have they checked that as well?
“Hello, I had my gallbladder removed on Feb. 22, 2007.
After having pain under my right rib cage and like a full or bloated feeling also under my rib cage, and severe pain in right shoulder front and back. Nausea and vomitting for 5 days prior. ER Doc found a gallstone and surgery was scheduled the next morning. Surgery went as scheduled. This is now day 11, eating has not been a problem . I have been able to eat anything I want since day after surgery. Obviously I am still sluggish, but I believe most of that is anestia. It takes along time for that stuff to leave your body. I do get soreness in my upper armes and shoulders and a contant ache in my back just under my rib cage/ shoulder blade area on the right side. I have had people tell me this does not go away. I’m going to get a massage and see if that helps.
As with any surgery there are risk. I feel fortunate that for the most part I have come thru the surgery healthy. I have read horror storys and my girlfrend who had lap coly 3 years ago had her stomach lining puntured while looking for a lost gall stone and was in the hospital 26 day. My stay was 24 hours.”
“Hey folks, I usually post on the ibs site. Started out here in May of 07 following gb removal. Was sick with globus and burning chest pain for a long time. One dr said acid reflux another said no. That went on as I worked my way through too many of them. Globus has resolved but pain around LES and Barrett’s has begun. Metaplasia from the non-existent reflux is creeping into my esphagus. Most drs said I had no problem – this gastro showed me the pictures. So what were they all about. Even he failed to do a complete test by not doing biopsies of esophagus for esophagitus. Since he is one of those that said I didn’t have reflux I guess he didn’t want to prove himself wrong. He can’t explain how I could develop Barrett’s without reflux.
As to the bile versus acid issue. I literally had someone at Cornell in NY tell me they don’t do bile. What the h…. could that possibly mean. They don’t recognize it as a potential relux agent. And anyway according to this physician on staff there’s not much you can do about it . It’s a political issue between the gastros and the surgeons. The surgeons will talk to you about it but don’t expect a gastro to be so interested. So in this large prestigious institution you only get ppi’s and a shrug when you mention bile.
As far as the metaplasia is concerned as long as it is not dysplasia they don’t get overly excited. Like let’s just watch and see if it grows closer to cancer. Come back in a yr or three and we will look again. My test was done on Monday of this wk and I’m still processing the implications and trying to decide how to remain sane. As for reflux, I never had any that I know of until the gb went bye bye.”
I had my gallbladder out in feb. 2000, and it was the best thing that I did. No more pains, but I do have to agree with you guys, the trips to the bathroom are driving me crazy!!! what really helps for me is drink water or juice, no more sodas, little portions of food, and try staying away from that good fried and spiced up food. ( I know that’s hard for some of us Afircan Americans) i was really scared that something was really wrong with me, but after reading you guys replys helped me a lot. Thanks!!!!! Wanda
“I’ve had an endocopy, ct scan, ultasound, barium upper gi and had my gallbladder removed in January because of stones. I’ve never had any digestive issues before. Last September I noticed that I was experiencing a lot of indigestion. I was dieting and had lost 20 lbs. I went to see my internist to complain, he said it was just indigestion and it would go away. It didn’t. I developed a backache along with the indigestion. In December, I had a week of severe reflux with burning in the stomach. I saw a gastro doctor and had an ultasound, and gallstones were found. I was advised to have my gallbladder removed. I did. I still have the same symptoms which makes me think it has nothing to do with my gallbladder or lack of. Gerd/Acid
Reflux symptoms seem to be what I have. I take one nexium a day and it has helped the indigestion but I still have the backache and burning in my stomach. No emotional issues but feeling stressed over this…… ”