Post Gallbladder Surgery Complications – First 150 Testimonies

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    Ongoing Complications (First 150)


    “Hi folks, I had my gallbladder removed just a little over a year ago now, and I have to say that I am more than tired of having to have a BM 3+ times a day. In fact sometiems I have a BM, leave the bathroom and have to be back in there 20 minutes later.

    If I had of know that this was going to be a side effect, I would have seriously considered other options. It was never once mentioned to me that this could be a side effect. In fact there were no side effects discussed at all.

    Is there anything that can be done to help fix this problem?

    As far as the weight gain goes, I’ve been great. In fact I’ve lost 50lbs after having my gallbladder removed. Now some of the quick witted people will say that it is related to going to the bathroom all the time (while that may have something to do with it), a lot of it had to do with the fact that I joined a gym and work out 3+ times a week.

    I am a 43 year old male and play ice hockey 1 once a week in the summer and 3 times a week in the winter.

    It wasn’t impossible for me to do take out 2, 3 sometimes 4 times a day. Now I do take out once a week, if that. In fact even if I do take out it is usally something like a sub, rather than a fried chicken and greasy fries.

    My energy level sucks so i would like to improve that too if possible.

    So the good……….lost weight, and eat better
    The bad……BM’s 3+ times a day, and zero energy levels

    Any suggestions would be most helpful.

    Good luck to all.”

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by AvatarDataCurator.

    my life is just ruined with diarrhea (post cholecystectomy syndrome). I take questran which helps but sometimes constipates yo-yoing back and forth. My lifes joys are gone. I loved exploring and going somewhere interesting on spur of the moment and traveling. I live in constant fear of humiliating myself although in 3 years I have had only 3 embarrassments, every day, and all other times racing at top speed and weeping to wherever i acn find a bathroom. My life is ruined and measured by the proximity of bathrooms. Forget festivals, ocean walks, city streets with no bathroom in sight for more than a block or so. I am so depressed I have to keep thinking of those who are suffering more than I am to keep from ending my life. I am educated, a Ph.D., and feel like a fool for having this surgery. I was very ill, high fever, incredible pain, etc. and let my excellent hospital (NGH) remove my gall bladder, not being told of any other choice but death. I am trying to find a way to continue to have a reason to get up in the morning since my personal way of life is destroyed. Now I have discovered that a statistically higher number of people who develop cancer are those who have had their gall bladder removed and now haave post cholecystectomy syndrome. My physician is excellent and the surgery went well. A year passed before I developed this condition which will last until my death. Shame on me for being so sad when others are suffering much worse health problems. I gained 30 pounds also which is not contributing to my happiness. Many others have had this happen. I envy Mandela who had his stones removed instead of taking the whole gall bladder out. Good luck to you and all of us who are so sad now.


    “I had my gallbladder removed in Aug. of 2007.
    Before having it removed, I was experiancing stomach pain and nausea simlar to what is described in previous post. After a Hyda-scan – I was told that my gb was no longer functioning and had to be removed.
    However, since my surgery, the nausea and pain only increased. I have now been diagnosed with gastroperosis.
    In the mist of all the post on this website I have seen a connection between both the surgery of GB and gastroperosis. Not sure which one is causing the other, but there definatley seems to be a connection.

    I would advise strongly to read up on the effects of GB surgery. I have had several friends with stones that received immediate relief and now have a limited amount of side effects from the surgery. However, if your GB simply isn’t functioning properly – I would ask more questions.

    Just please watch it carefully. Give yourself time to heal from the surgery, but don’t wait like I did before finding a Dr. that will help you out. I had to see several doctors (2 GI to be exact) before I found one that was willing to dig for answers. Your body knows when you dont’ feel well. The best lesson I have learned from this whole experiance is to listen to your body!!
    Best of luck!


    “Hello to anyone reading this,

    I had my gall bladder taken out back in April 1986 (actually on April Fools day, how ironic). My life as it was changed that day, and not for the better. It was an emergency surgery so I have that big ugly scar. That is not even the part that bothers me though. I started with stomach pains so bad I thought I was going die. And then even worse the not being able to control bowel movements. I went to the doctor. Who proceeded at that time to tell me it was all in my head. I have had every kind of test you can imagine. Sigmoidoscopy, Colonoscopy, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Barium x-ray, and a few more I can’t think of the names.

    I lived for 12 years pretty much house bound. If I wanted to go to my kids school functions I would go for three to four days without eating a single thing, this way I knew I would be safe. I also knew the price would be paid for this each time with that first bite of food I took after the no eating (at the time it was worth it). I learned over the years that stress can aggravate the condition. The doctors I have seen throughout the years have put me on many different medications. The side effects for some were worse than the problem itself, until one day I tried Imodium. (Which I call the MIRACLE DRUG). I take Imodium (actually the equate brand from Wal-Mart because it’s cheaper and has a lot of pills in the bottle). I take anywhere from 4 to 10 pills every 3 to 4 days. I can tell when I need to take them by how my stomach feels. I have asked my gastroenterologist if this is harmful and he has indicated it is not. It works for me. I can now go anywhere anytime and eat anything I want without any problems. It works for me and it might for you.

    I also read there is a drug that is supposed to work really well too called Welchol. I am going to do some research on this one too.

    It’s actually not IBS that you get from the removal of the gall bladder; it’s called Bile Acid Malabsorption. “


    I had my gall bladder removed at just 13 years of age due to two small stones which caused me great pain, three years have gone by and I am now 16 and I am living in hell! I was told by my doctor that removing the gall bladder would take away all my pains so went ahead with the op but instead I have just been given slightly less pain and frequent bowel movements. Every time I eat something slightly fattening, I have to dart to the loo within a matter of minutes, I am not able to eat dairy products or take aways unless I have taken a sachet containing cholestyramine and sometimes that don’t even work. My school life has suffered a lot, I not only still get stomach pains and frequent bowel movent (about 6 times a day) I am also suffering from back pain and low energy. I would advise anyone NOT to get their gall bladder removed unless it is the only option avaliable. I am 16 yet am unable to enjoy my life as I always worry about going to the loo or constant pain, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone! :$”


    “Hi. I am crying as I write this, partly because I know this isn’t over yet & partly because I have finally found a site with people going through the same thing I have been dealing with for years! In 2001 I had gall Bladder surgery as I had swelling & severe pain.

    Well, as many of you have said…it didn’t go away! I also have had many tests since then, including being admitted to the hospital with this pain. They did Ultrasound, MRI, CT scan, blood work, urine, endoscopy and colonoscopy. I do have GERD and take Prilosec for that. but GERD was diagnosed many years ago. My son has Crohnes & Mom has Ulcerative colitis. So I thought it may be related to that. But all the tests keep coming back normal (I did have a little blood in my urine is all). I also had one ovary removed 3 yrs. ago and they found I do have IC (Interstitial Cystitis) So, they thought I had IBS which can be related to IC…. Well, the IBS diet did not work at all. Still have pain & swelling with NO answers yet!

    I do have a theory from my experiences….. Since I don’t have a gallbladder… could all the fat my GB used to process, be causing some or most of this pain? They were also thinking Abdominal Adhesions but tests didn’t show it. Unlike some of you I am GAINING not losing weight! I ALWAYS feel bloated & full & am constipated (only go 1x per week) Even if I “”Diet”” it doesn’t matter. Still swollen & in pain. It feels like my liver or pancreas is burning (especially when I sit or lay on my right side) It also feels like pressure & is right under my ribs on the URQ. I look 9 months pg! They even did a pg test even though I’m in menopause.

    I will follow up on some of your leads & sites you mentioned also. We need to stick together on this! Like many of you, my family’s getting sick of hearing it and I am getting so sick of laying around in my Jammies with so much pain & swelling! I am so tired of trying to explain to people who don’t understand! Thanks so much for all of your input & for being here! It’s so great to know I’m not alone on this!


    I had my gallbladder removed 5 months ago. Before the surgery, for three years I had problems with severe diarrhea after eating. It was very unpredictable what food/drink would trigger an attack. I would be okay for several days to several weeks, then get an attack out of the blue. A few times I had an attack while on the city bus. I never had an accident, but came close a few times. That was really frightening. I stopped eating out, including having coffee, and knew where every bathroom is around town.
    I began having upper abdominal pain and was diagnosed with multiple gallbladder stones. I did some online research before having the surgery, and read that the diarrhea would get worse. Unfortunately I didn’t read the kinds of stories I’ve read at this site. I had no idea HOW much worse. Now I have it about 1-3 times every other day. I’ve changed my diet to low-fat, but it doesn’t seem to matter. I still have pain where the gallbladder use to be. At times the pain is worse than a gallbladder attack. I went to a GI that suggested I have an endoscopy and a colonoscopy. The GI thinks it may be an ulcer, but who really knows.
    This diarrhea problem is really effecting my life. I hardly go out any more. Whenever I am going to be out I bring bottled water, and a banana, and don’t eat before hand. I really miss going to the neighborhood coffee shops/cafes with my husband. Im sick of bottled water and bananas. I’m going to be looking for work soon (been a stay at home mom for several years), but I’m fearful that I’ll have an attack, and have an accident at work. I wouldn’t feel comfortable telling a potential employer that I’m rectally challenged! How have other’s handled this situation with their boss/coworkers? A job dealing with the public seems out of the question. I can picture it now…. helping someone at work when I get a major bowel attack, my eyes as big as saucers, sweat on my forhead, clammy hands, major anxiety attack as I figure out very quickly how to get to the can, and not cause a spectacle of myself in the process waiting, or perhaps unable to wait for someone to take my place. It seems so potentially embarrassing.

    It’s good to know I’m not alone with this condition. ”


    šŸ˜„ I had my gallbladder removed on may 19, 2006. The surgery went great and I came home feeling great. Well, about 4 days after the surgery I had a nausea that came over me and made it to the point where I couldnā€™t eat at all. I had no fever, but couldnā€™t even make myself eat. I figured ok itā€™s just my body getting use to this. I ended up in the er twice from the nausea. I lost weight down to 97, but my normal is only 105-110. So, the hospital put me on zofran the second time I went in which seemed to do the trick. The following day I was eating a liquid diet (which was more than I could do before), and with each day to follow things seemed to get better. Well, on june 29, 2006 the nausea hit me again. The very same way it did before. I couldnā€™t eat, but I was still able to get liquid down. So, I went to my doctor and he said that I needed to take the zofran again. So, here I am and canā€™t get rid of this nausea, and I am at a loss and getting very depressed. I just donā€™t even know what to do anymore. Has this happened to anyone else?


    I to had gallbladder surgery about 6 years ago and have suffered from the same symtoms and am also embarassed to go anywhere, for fear that it won’t strike until I am in the car and what do you tell friends, get me to the nearest bathroom quick. I have almost had an accident more than once. I never was given an explanation by my surgeon either. I hope that there is someone out there that can give us both an answer or a cure that will help us. Just wanted you to know that you are not alone.


    “Hi. I’m a 31-year-old female with continued pain five months after a laproscopic cholecystectomy. This is the deal…

    After several years of increasingly severe and frequent attacks, a frantic trip to the emergency room resulted in the removal of my gallbladder in August 2007, at which time it was also discovered that I had pancreatitis second to the gallbladder trouble.

    Following the surgery, the surgeons told me that my gallbladder was so inflamed it was — and I quote — “”almost comical.”” Apparently, once inside, it was much worse than the ultrasound had predicted; they told me that there were dozens of stones, all of which were amongst the largest they’d ever seen. To that end, they had to make the hole in my belly button larger in order to get everything out.

    I was in the hospital for four nights (if you count the first night in the E.R., and three nights post-op) because they wanted to make sure my pancreatitis improved. Once home, I immediately came down with a sinus infection (poor timing, I know) and developed a horrible, unrelenting cough. At my two-week post surgical follow-up, I told the doctors that I was still having flank pain and, after examining me, they said they believed I’d developed a couple of hernias, probably due to the excessive coughing. They sent me home to rest, and told me to go to the E.R. if the pain or my symptoms got worse, otherwise they’d check back with me again in two more weeks.

    In the interim, I went to see my primary physician about the cough and he, too, felt what he believed to be a hernia.

    Two weeks later, I returned to the surgical clinic — still in pain — and was told that they no longer felt a hernia but that the lingering pain might be caused by adhesions which, according to them, can begin forming right after surgery. They scheduled me for a CT scan to rule out the hernia(s) and once again told me to come back — this time in four weeks.

    Four weeks later, I returned — yes, STILL having pain — and was told that the CT scan showed nothing at all. However, they advised me that adhesions wouldn’t show up on a CT scan or MRI anyway. Their solution was to have me wait a bit longer (i.e. another month or two) to make sure the pain wasn’t simply due to the fact that I hadn’t healed completely from the surgery (even though two months had already elapsed at that point), since diagnosis of adhesions requires another surgery and should be a last resort.

    Well, at my last visit, the doctors (whom, by the way, have never been the same people at any of my visits, as they’re a team that does rotations) told me that adhesions took a long time to form (which contradicted what their colleagues had told me) so it was unlikely to be that, and that they were basically washing their hands of me.

    I’m so disgusted! Here it is, five months post-surgery and I’m still having major flank pain — yet I’m getting conflicting information, and dismissals. I’m not having signs of obstructions or anything like that — but I’m in pain almost all the time, and it’s getting worse. I don’t know what else to do. I would like to get a second opinion at another hospital, but I’m told that surgeons very rarely will agree to see other surgeons’ patients. If that’s so, then what’s next? I didn’t have this pain prior to my surgery and I want it gone.

    The pain, incidentally, involves major tenderness, the sensation that something is getting “”caught”” when I bend, and a feeling of being poked very hard. The location of the pain is my right flank, including my rib area, and my sub-sternum, very near one of the incisions.

    Anyway, does anyone have suggestions on what to do next?? I’m stuck. šŸ™

    Thanks in advance.”


    “I had laparoscopic gall bladder surgery 2 years ago and 2 weeks afterwards, I bent forward sharply to shave my leg which was propped on the counter, and felt a “”ripping”” sort of pain.
    I developed a lump on the right side and started coughing like crazy.
    The pain never went away and only got worse.
    Had 2 exploratory surgeries that made things even worse.
    Now I have a diagnosis:
    It is either Cecal Bascule (cecum flips up on itself) or Cecal Volvulus (cecum and right intestine twised).
    It took me 2 long years of pain to finally be directed to a Colo-Rectal Surgeon.
    If one is prone to a MOBILE CECUM, abdominal surgeries can cause these nightmarish conditions.

    My advice – see a Colo-rectal Surgeon ASAP to rule out these possible problems. They will not go away with time or drugs – only specialized surgery will help.

    NO ONE and NO WEBSITE ever mentions this problem – you must know what it is, before you can find out more about it, and it’s more common than anyone realizes.

    I now have some hope I might get my life back and can stop thinking of suicide.

    Good Luck.”


    “I’m a 35 year old female who has had chronic pain under my right lower rib cage for 2 1/2 years. I finally broke down and had my gall bladder removed 6 weeks ago, even though the HIDA scan did not detect stones. My gallbladder was inflamed w/ cholestrol deposits, but no stones. Well, the surgery was much worse than I had expected. I’m still sore (from the surgery) and I still have the original pain. I just got back from a Gastroenterologist, he basically said “”sorry”” there’s not much more we can do (except test for SOD which apparently could cause pancreatitis?) HELP! I’m so sad and am terrified that I am going to be in pain the rest of my life. The doctors seem clueless. Why are there so many of us with these symptoms, but the doctors don’t know anything? If anyone has found something that helps please let me know!!!!
    P.s. Doctor prescribed desiparmine – has this helped anyone? ”


    “Hi, In Response
    Oh my God ! If their was a way i could talk to you .Everything you said is exactly what i am going through. I recently had my gall bladder removed about 9 months ago.
    I am miserable and feel alone in this fight.
    I have bloating , nausea, headaches, I get light headed and even my back aches whenever the bloating begins.
    Everytime i eat this happens.I immedietly feel tired and it feels like i can’t breath.Sometimes it lasts for about 15 min then it slowly goes away. This happens everyday and sometimes i am bloated all day long.
    Please. I would advise anyone to be careful and research this before getting the surgery.
    I have been to several doctors and no one seems to know why or how to help me.
    This is affecting my life and everyone around me.
    I don’t want to go anywhere because of this discomfort. If some one would have told me that this would happend to me i would have never got the surgery.
    My life has changed and i am very sad because i wonder how long i will have to live like this.
    Please Please if some one knows a doctor or anyway i could get help please respond to this.
    I am desperate and hurting beacuse no one seems to be able to help me.
    Please !respond to this ! “


    “Hello fellow loo luvers

    I found this site because I was looking up details about the drug ‘Questran’. Well now I have the answers to my problems (watery diarrhoea, and high abdo pains mostly where the GB was) and it is a comfort to know that I am not imagining all my symtoms!

    I am now 52 and had my gall bladder out about 5 years ago and apart from an increase in heartburn, indigestion and massive increase in the ‘burps’ when eating, I hadn’t had any real problems till last year Jun 2000 when going to the loo became a very very frequent event, enough to send me to the doctors because I thought I had a bug or worse. To cut a long story short (well will try) was sent to a Gastrologist and was examined inside, outside and upside down (doesn’t do much for self identity when you feel rotton already). Original diagnosis was Microscopic Colitis(another elusive condition), so was put on steroids which made the condition far worse and blew me up like a baloon, thankfully I am off them now, but took 3 months to find out they made me far worse.

    Had severe pains where GB used to be and round front of diaphram under sturnum, still get these now and again, they can be frightening and was convinced I had pancreatic cancer. Anyway have had more tests including the bile salt malabsorption test which proved very positive, meaning that I was not re-using/storing my bile, does this make sense? Presumably that means more and more is being made and the bile, like acid is causing all the problems. Trouble is that no-one explains anything to you and even when I ask, the answers are evasive. My Gastrologist is not very forthcoming with information (I seem to know more about it than he does, and typically you cannot tell him anything or say that you have found things out, without consulting him!).

    Anyway latest is that he gave me Questran to take a couple of weeks ago – and it appears to have stopped my frequent visits to the loo and I haven’t had the pains so much, but that leads me to what I said originally about information on the drug. I also have to take thyroxine because of hypothyroidism and am now worried that the Questran may affect that. Am due to see him in a couple of weeks and possibly to have a barium meal test. Will let you know how things go.

    To all that need the GB op, not everyone is the same and mostly things are much better afterwards, also it is always best to get things checked out, just in case.

    Best wishes to all and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

    Regards from Jan ”

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