use “FiberCon” (I got mine at Wal mart) I know its a fiber laxative but it works!!!!!!!!! had my gallbladder out in 1 and had diarrhea almost every morning(20 years!!) 🙁 its now 2013. My daughter had hers out this year and I had her to ask her Dr. and he said for me to take FiberCon but not as directed!! you need to take 2 in the morning and just drink enough water to swallow the pills and eat like you normally do. and if 2 doesn’t work use 3….(2 worked for me). And the Dr. said if you get constipated don’t stop taking the pills just drink more water…I hope this helps..I know how it is when your on a family trip and not being able to eat because you know It will send you straight to the bathroom.