
i HAD MY GALL BLADDER REMOVED fEBRUARY 07, & had to see my surgeon after 2 months bec of the pain I had under my rt ribs and back. he ordered ultrasound & blood tests to find out if there are stones in my bile duct. Result came negative so i was referred back to my gastroenterologist and was told that they did not see anything wrong buut he believes it is pain caused by my fibromyalgia. I was given muscle relaxant. I have been taking it for 2 wks now & i still have this disturbing nagging pain. I happen to talk and compare our experiences with my co worker in the hospital, 1 cna & 1 nurse both of them had the gall bladder removed and they have the same problems. This is what we get from having the gall bladder removed. I have friends who talked to other people and have exactly the same problems, pain under the ribs, back pain, constipating 1 day and another day diarrhea. It seems that we have to face the consequence. I will research more and find out about this problem of ours.