
I’m 33 years old and it has been 3 years since I had my GallBladder removed!! I have a 5 year old and 3 year old, my pain started 2 weeks after having my 3 year old. New baby and a 18 month old with and a Mommy who lost sleep during the night because i would wake-up from severe pain. I seeked help from my primary doctor and obgyn and both were not all interested in helping me or giving me a clue as to what was my issue!! I was so very desperate at the time because I didnt know what was wrong me but the surgery was the probably the worst thing that could of happened to my body!! When I went to the ER after experiencing severe pain for about 8 months and was finally told that my pain was from having GallStones, which my primary doctor couldnt or wouldnt diagnose, she was treating me for acid reflux, heartburn and irritable bowel. In the ER I was told were gonna schedule you for surgery and remove your gallbladder, you dont need it anyways and after you’ll be pain free!! I didnt even question it, after not sleeping for about 4 days because of the pain and not eating right, I was very delirious and the doctor diagnosed me just after hearing my symptoms and with his diagnosis cofirmed with the ultrasound, I was like I’ll be fine, he said I dont need the Gallbladder anyways!! Well….I wish I was more informed and given all the side effects and long term health risks!! I too was not given a list or diet to follow after my surgery, it was just the normal instructions diet after post-op but nothing regarding gallbladder removal!! Now I suffer from severe diarrhea, bloatting and constipation, oh and pain in my right side just under my ribs and I wakeup filling cramps in my stomach, that make me feel that something is severly wrong with me because I just dont feel normal anymore!! Today I was asked if I’m pregnant again because my stomach looked so big, “I mean so rounded from top to bottom”….I was like thankyou for that very detailed description of my stomach!! but NO, Im not!!! My stomach looks like I’m about 4-5 months preggers!! I find myself buying baby doll blouses and dresses because i need to hide my stomach!! I will try some your suggestions and see if helps!! Thankyou for all the info!! God Bless You All