
Not sure exactly what is going on with me. I have read all of the previous posts. I had my gallbladder removed in Dec. 01. I had stones stuck in the bile ducts the size of golf balls. In the last 2-3 years I have been experiencing heartburn and an acid reflux type symptom. (Rather painful and keeps me up at night) Now (within the 2-3 year time frame) I have had the food feeling like it was stuck in my throat. Normally I have to hurry to the nearest trash can and this is really embarrasing. Not to mention painful and annoying. After reading these post I’m going back to the dr. I have been on prilosec that he prescribed. My mother had an episode a year ago and she ended up flow to a hospital an hour away and had bleeding ulcers. We almost lost her because her blood presure was 60/40 before going to the hospital. I have modified my diet and fat intake. That didn’t seem to help. Lately it has been worse. My children are starting to worry now. That is what led me to this site. I’m glad that I’m not alone but wish we didn’t have to go through all this. Good luck to all