
I’ve had my galbladder removed a little over a year ago. Afterwards, I also kept having pain in the upper right abdomen where the gallbladder used to be. the pain goes around my back too. It only last for 10-15 minutes but it was severe enough for me to walk out of meetings a few times. I had the pains daily. the docs put me on a variety of heart-burn relievers but they didn’t help at all stop the pain. then, I’ve read an article about bile reflux disease and that heartburns meds like prilosec, tagamet, etc can actually make the problem worse. I stopped taking those and indeed the pains decreased in frequency…now I only have them once or twice week. I still get heartburn once in a while and if I end up taking heartburn meds, I;m sure to have the pain a few hours later but overall I’ve not been able to find a definite cause/aggregators for the pains.