Here my story…
Before 7 months i had my gallbladder removal…after surgery i was fine about 2 weeks…just have pain by right shoulder…but he disapperas…
After 2 weeks from surgery i develope many symptoms and postoperative complications:
Dizziness, fatique, weakness, bloated, sleap ness, dyareah, nausea, dry mouth and throat (espacialy in the morning) ,metal taste in my mouth or like sumpor …and the worst from all is problem with breathing (labored breathing) and fellingg tightening in my chests.
Had been by many doctors, internist, gastroetnerologist,oto rinolaringolog, neurolog etc…and all tests o.k. Except endoscopy which have shown mild cascade of stomach and bile/acid reflux…
Otherwise am ill from chrons desease abput 3 years … But never have had serious problems with this…and before gallbladder surgery i had been good health…from medicines i take salofalk,rudakol,espumisan and last time visit at gastroenterologist has sugested me cholestyramine because of frequent diareah…and he didnt know whats wrong with my breathing…
My opinion is that bile/acid reflux have relationship with my breathing trouble because my lung tests function are ok.
I realy dont know what to do and how i can to help myself…
Please answer me if you know whats wrong with me….
And if some has similary problems i would like to share experience…im very very worried…about my health… ”