Ongoing Complications (1000+)

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    “I’ve only been dealing with this for a few months after surgery and it’s already driving me crazy. Can’t imagine what it would feel like to have this ongoing for 2 years like you have had, without getting any answers. When I was nervous about having the surgery everyone kept telling me “”you don’t need your gallbladder anyway.”” My response was that it is clearly there for a reason. My worry was having chronic diarrhea after surgery which thankfully didn’t happen but now I just have a bunch of other problems that I didn’t have before.

    Do you experience more symptoms in the morning or throughout the day? In the morning I usually feel pretty good some slight nausea and discomfort around the sternum area. Several hours after eating lunch is when I’m sometimes getting what I think is heartburn, pain and burning in the center of my chest. Once I felt it up in my throat and my breath felt hot. Like I said, I’ve never had any issue with heartburn/acid reflux until after the surgery. The tightness in the upper abdomen and right side seem to happen at random times. I eat a low fat diet and have been trying to avoid acidic foods. Actually this past week has been a little better than the previous month or so.

    Gigi, hoping that maybe you’ll get answers soon. Keep me update on how you are doing.”


    “I had my gallbladder out March 15th, 2007 because it had a 7% ejection fraction. I had a small polyp near the common bile duct, but it wasn’t removed.
    At first, I couldn’t eat anything & lost 15 lbs. Now, after switching G.I. doctors & trying 3 new medications, I am gaining weight. I still get pain by my lower right side(near the ribcage), and it spreads to the middle of my chest & back. I have gone to the ER 3 times, and they gave me Nitroglycerine too.
    They tell me it will take quite a few months to get used to having it out. I also had my appendix removed 2 months later.
    You are not crazy! I still don’t have a diagnosis after feeling like this for 16 months!!”


    “To all you people who had your galblader out and are developing
    Dumping Syndrome I HAVENT HAD MY galblader out and Iam having the same problems Ihave bad pains in my lower stomach and lower back pain in my shoulders And when I eat anything I have to go to the bath room even so much as A cup of coffe I cant walk more than five minutes I get pain My doctor is sending me for test Aug 31 SHE THINKS ITS MY GALBLADER And I have A cis In the lower part of my stomach or my insides are atached togeter AND she has to take them apart She says its because I HAD 4 C SECTIONS 5 KIDS iDONT NO WHAT TO THINK aLL i NO IS ITS VERY PAIN FUL AND I hate being blowded And I would like to no if theres any gain weight when the galblader is removed plese get back to me Thanks ”


    Hi I just had my gallbalder taken out on 9/21/2011 and the pain is not getting better on my right side I take my pain meds and it seems to get worst. Can anyone please help me and tell me what I can do to get this pain to stop. Thank you melissa


    I have a 85 yr. old female lady friend, that had her gb taken out many years ago, but has had problems off an on with her bowels over the years but now they have gotten to where if she eats she has to go right on the the bathroom an some hours after that they move an she has no time to get to the bathroom so she has messed her clothes up time an again. she hasn’t really complained of having any pain just can’t control her bowels an when their going to move. she is scared she might have cancer but I was trying to find out something for her she can’t see good at all, an just found out she has cist on her kidneys an one stone. she is losing weight but not fast maybe a lb every 3 months. thanks in advance


    Not only do I have bloating but I have belly pain and since the day of surgery, I have pain down both my sides to my hips. ANy suggestions


    I had my gallbladder removed back in 1980. They did not have gallbladder surgery using the scope then. My scar (since they also removed my appendix) is very large and long. Since then I have had liver issues. They once did a biopsy of my liver, when they went in they saw that I had a large amount of scar tissue attached to my liver. They introduced air into my belly and the surgeon worked for quite a while to unattach my liver from the scar tissue. Since then my liver enzymes have been normal. I do not think it matters how long it has been and how big the scar is, you could have scar tissue. A friend of mine has had stomach pain and intestinal pain for many years and they have been unable to find out what is the matter with him. They even gave him a morphine pump to deal with the pain. Very severe pain. Well, they just performed exploratory surgery on him and also found a very large amount of scar tissue in the area of his scar, from when he had his appendix removed.


    I am new to GERD forum. I am usually on the fibromyalgia one. I have suffered from GERD for over 20 yrs. I have been hospitalized many times for GERD. It came after a bad gallbladder surgery. The gallbladder Holds the bile and when removed it decided to go crazy. The bile pours through me up and down all my gut. I am on four different meds for the acid. I am so scared that cancer will appear down the road because of the chronic irritation. I have finally figure out how to control all this bile over the years. Does anyone suffer from GERD like I do?


    I had my gallbladder removed in January of 2007, a few months after my son was born. I am still having pains and here recently I am getting them all the time. I also get diarrhea for several days and then I get to where I can’t go. I feel week alot and then there is some days where I feel fine. I also was told that I now have cyst on my ovaries and I don’t know what’s wrong with me. If anyone could give me some advice I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!!


    I had gallbladder surgery Oct 99, after being told it would alleviate most of my pain (middle of the chest, sometimes on the side). Since surgery my pain has increased. I now have pain in my back, left arm, most anywhere in the upper chest. Anyone else have that happen? How are you dealing with it? Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    “I wish my doctor had read this.I was diagnosed as having a single large gallstone trapped in the the bile duct, they removed the gallbladder and stone last May by keyhole surgery. I still have the recurring pain in my top right hand side infrequently. I constantly feel bloated,and have problems with acid reflux. I feel inflamed,burning, pulling pain. I sleep on several high pillows and have to sleep on my right side.I have had an ultra sound to determine if I had any more stones,negative. I had bloods taken to check the liver functionality, clear, no kidney stones or appendix problems. The latest doctor has put me on Augmentin Duo antiobiotics as he thinks it is very inflamed in that area.


    “I had my gallbladder removed end of April of 07. i have read what a few other people of mentioned and i have found this to work well for myself. every other morning when i get up i take a ZANTAC 75 u can purchase over the counter or w/ your DR. I still eat some fried foods , kept the butter on toast in the morning just a little thinner layer. switched to no sugar in jelly. you just have to sit down and write down all the foods that make you feel terrible. before i go to bed if i know i ate a lil to much spicy foods i will take another Zantac 75 before bed.. also on the market is Zantac 150 if your having really bad pain. You might want to keep a bottle of Maalox MAX handy just in case and for myself i might take 1 or 2 during the day if my stomach is a lil unsettled. i use the quick dissolve tablets.

    You also mentioned the lump in your throat I had that to even went into the ear nose and throat Dr. needless to say ater getting that nice sc ope thru my nose and down my throat everything looked good cept my esophagus, he mentioned it was a lil red in places he said either cut out chocolate,,, milk sugary food which are my favs. so sugar free gum,,, in otherwords i just hit the sugar free isle now at walmart, walgreens and I am lucky enough to be able to shop on post and AAFES PX/BX has a good selection of sugar free candys. even ice cream. hope this was helpful,

    I am now almost at my yr after surgery and i have lost a lil weight and have alot more energy to move. ”


    “I had my gallbladder removed when I was 25 years old (10 years ago). I had stones in my gall bladder and my bile duct so had two separate surgeries.

    I was meant to go for keyhold surgery but ended up with a huge 12cm scar across the bottom of my ribs (apparently my gall bladder was so infected it was hard to remove by keyhole – sure …..). But I still wear a bikini, it is my reminder of how bad I treated my body in the past.

    I am angry at myself for not listening to my body around 20 years old when I had my first gall bladder attack, not knowing what the attack was I ignored it then it didn’t happen again for another year or so, but then it got more frequent, then unbearable attacks.

    I wish I could tell teenagers/adults my story, don’t drink and don’t eat lots of fast foods because it does catch up on you. Until late teens I was very active outdoors and happy, then partied hard in my late teens/early 20’s and not eating well and not resting enough and definitely not exercising enough.

    After my gall bladder removal I definitely felt a lot of relief internally but have struggled to keep my weight down and has taken quite a few years to find out what works better for me.

    I recommend to anyone who has gall bladder removal – it happens for a reason, your body isn’t being treated properly! So – exercise, do relaxation, eat more veggies and fruit and protein, less dairy and definitely no fats and minimize alcohol, your body it telling you something! I think there is no excuse that you feel bloated and putting on weight, I have lived it and know that you can put on weight easily so just look after your body, it is a gift.

    I get a sore/tired feeling where my liver is (under the right ribs) when I am needing some rest or not eating properly/stressed! I find that is my sign to slow down (I have 2 young boys!) and remember to look after myself because it just gets worse and worse and I can catch any bugs going around or get cranky easier.

    I hope my story helps someone! :-D”


    I had gallbladder surgery in October 2003. I have had problems ever since. I was wondering if anyone has some input to what this might be. Frequently I have been waking up with a really bad stomach ache in the early morning. Usually between 5 and 8 am. This has happened about 5 or 6 times since the surgery. It usually only lasts about 10 to 15 minutes and leaves as quickly as it comes. I take gaviscon to relieve the pain, which helps for the most part. On Saturday I woke up with the pain, but it continued to last all day. I was at work and the pain was so excruciating, I was almost in tears. I feel it at the top of my abdomen moreso on the right side where my gallbladder was. It’s a very sharp, sometimes stabbing pain. Sometimes it feels like a tight belt across my abdomen and it goes around my right side into my back. It has felt achy for the past two days after that bad attack. It’s not too bad when I eat but after a couple hours I get it again. I don’t know if it could be an ulcer… or possibly hiatal hernia or gastritis. It does feel swollen on the top right side and it is tender to the touch. It has been tender to the touch ever since my surgery. I have been to the doctor and she thinks it was muscle inflammation but also suggested an ulcer or gastritis. I also get this cold sensation when I drink something cold. I can feel it go down and then sometimes go to the right where my gb used to be. Sometimes I don’t drink anything and I just get this cold sensation in that area and down my right side. This really scares me. I do belch ALOT. Constantly! I have been having alot of loose stool movement the past 3 days as well. Sometimes 4 or 5 a day. I am on medication for ulcers and gastritis. Acid reducer. It has not helped any.. other than the fact that I am not getting reflux anymore… Right now.. it just aches and is sore in that upper right area. I had an ultrasound and nothing showed up. I see a gastroenterologist next month but I don’t think I can wait that long. I have been waiting a long time for my stomach problems to end which I thought gb surgery would have. I don’t get pain after I eat or feel nauseated anymore, but I never had these problems before my surgery. My back always seems sore on the right side and it feels like the muscle is tight and it feels good when I rub it and next to the top incision site has always been sore. I don’t know what to do. I have also had really bad gas for the past 3 days. Has anyone experienced this? Or anything alike? I am getting really scared and can’t get to see the doctor until later in the week. Sorry for the long post. Can someone please offer ANY advice whatsoever? Thank you so much.


    “Hi, I’m 18 and had my gallbladder removed 3 months ago through a laproscopic cholecystectomy (spelling is most probably incorrect). The week afterwards I had no problems, I was on a low-fat diet but still ate dairy and red-meat etc. just small meals and nothing high in fat. However, the week after that I strangely felt as though i was having a gallbladder attack – the pain resembled that anyway. Symptoms included: painful nausea, back pain, queasiness, loose bowel movements but not diarroea and the upper abdominal pain/nausea hit climax at night – ALL through the night which meant tossing and turning. The morning isn’t fun either.
    I thought it would pass but after two nights of unbearable pain I ended up in ER getting tested for various things. They gave me some pain relief and said to come in for an ultrasound the following day to determine if I had any stones caught in ducts or a bile leak. The ultrasound found everything as normal but I still felt substantial pain! A few days later I met with my surgeon who said i could just be ‘adjusting’ as he claimed during surgery they checked my ducts for any stones. Luckily, this pain and other symptoms passed, that time. So I agreed with him, it must have just being my body adjusting. However, it’s now 3 months later and I’m experiencing the same ‘relapse’! It’s unbearable and I’ve seen my GP who sent me for another ultrasound to check for any problems but that was this morning and the ultrasound was fine. Since my first relapse ended I’ve been on a normal diet as I found I could tolerate all foods – high fat and high fibre. However, now I’m wondering if I can’t handle them all of a sudden ? Is it possible to suddenly have an intolerance eventhough it was fine for the past 3 months ? My doctor suggested a CT scan if I’m still worried – I don’t know what to do because I don’t really want any uneccessary harmful damage fro mthe scan.
    Any similar experiences ? Any advice ? Both would be greatly appreciated.

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