I was not diagnosed with a bile leak for 4 days since the hospital I was brought to did not perform nuclear testing on weekends and come to find out not on Mondays either. Instead I lay in agonizing pain counting the time until I could receive my next dilaudid shot.
Finally on Tuesday I had a hydascan and a leak from the gallbladder bed was diagnosed. On Wednesday I had an ECRP with stent placement. Upon waking up the pain was relieved.
I spent 2 more days in the hospital with my main complaint being bloating and cramping with passage of watery loose yellow stools. I was told that this is from the bile that had leaked into my abdominal cavity and would eventually resolve on it’s own. It was being reabsorbed into my system.
My question is, is there anything that I can do to help this process along as it is causing a fair amount of discomfort. Should there have been a drain placed to drain the bile as I have read is often done. I still feel pain on my right upper quadrant, could this be a pool of bile and if so will it eventually resolve on it’s own? Any in put would be greatly appreciated. Thanks”