
“Bile leak
Wow this is amazing to see that so many people are experiencing this. I had my gall bladder removed in July of 08. In the hospital for 3 days. Went home and was scheduled to go on a road trip on the following Saturday. Went to my appointment on Thursday and told the dr. that it felt like i had a lump in the top of my stomach. When i ate felt like the food would get stuck. not go down and won’t come up but I was told that I was fine to go on the road trip just had to keep stopping so that I wouldn’t get blood clots. I did exactly that but when we got about 29 miles from where we were going this terrible pain came over me and i wouldn’t do anything but say oh my God what’s going on I told my husband that I was having a heart attack. the lump that was in the top of my stomach went away but I was in so much pain. He stopped so I could get out and stand but I couldnt needless to say he had to speed the rest of the way. He called my sister and she had to meet us on the main road and take us to the hospital. Got there only to find out that my bile duck had bursted. Man the pain I was in I wouldn’t wish it on any one. Went straight to the hospital and spent my whole vacation in the hospital. There they put a drainage bag in just to hold me until i got back home because when i got back I couldn’t hold anything on my stomach. Went to see the Dr. that did the surgery and he then sent me to John Hopkins. At Jopkins, the put in another drainage bag and removed the one from the Ga. hospital because it was put in too high. Needless to say I went from July until December with the drainage bag on my side. Did good for a while and last year I was hospitalized because I couldn’t hold anything on my stomach but they tell me it was nothing. Now I am having the problem again. I eat my stomach is nausiated if i don’t eat i’m nausaited. Went to the drs. and he gave me antibiotics two different kinds at two different times. Went to him last week and he tells me that he finally looked at my file and he thinks that I may have a bile leak and again give me meds but I’m not liking the feeling i have, feeling sick all the time. I too just want this to be over.”