
Yes I have heard of this. I am living proof. Have even been hospitalized several times to have it checked out and after 1,000’s of dollars later. They found nothing. This has totally disabled me. I have this pain for days then it will subside and then right back again. I have to take very strong pain meds to ease it at all. This is very hard to deal with due to the fact I take care of my ill mother and our 7 year old grandson. I have no energy at all and the pain has me really down. Tired of the medical profession not listening to me. My surgery was 6years ago now. And this has been on going ever since. Wish someone could come up with an answer soon. I have even thought about going to a surgeon to see what could have gone wrong.. I am 53 years old and not over weight at all. I eat healthy, but this is killing me.