I never have to go to the hospital but my worst fear is that this condition will get worse for me. They took my blood today and I pray it comes back normal. I do have a fatty liver and trying to get rid of it.
All I want to do is feel good but I gave up. I drag myself everyday. I am dead inside – sorry to feel so gloomy but I was a healthy vibrant person before all this happened and now i feel wounded. I get easily irritated with no patience what so ever.
Sorry your going through all of this. I have created this attitude now where I just don’t care anymore and I am tired of thinking about it. If I die I die.
Does it get worse if you have a headache? mine also gets worse when my menstrual cycle starts. I also notice it gets quiet when I have a real serious problem like another family is sick or some other emergency. That is why I thought it was a anxiety issue because why does it quit like that??? It will disappear for two months and then come back all of the sudden and stay with me for two weeks and go away – this is so weirdddddd!
I do notice when I start to feel good and I go back and drink decaf coffee it will get irritated. If I walk in a mall for a long period of time I get the pain like a back pain in the upper right rib area. It can be relieved if I sit down. What is that???”