This attack has been the worst so far. I went to a GI doc he says there isnt any GI problem and did a Rib series (all was fine) and sent me to a chest specialist. The chest specialist says why are u here this is a GI problem. Consults a Surgeon who also agrees. They get me into another GI doc for an ERCP or surgery or both. The new GI doc says why are u here. This is cronic rib pain because you are female. Grow up and deal with it and that I will have pain alot worse than this. I left his office in tears. I am going back to him Monday to see if I can convince him it is something with my GI tract. If not I really dont know what I will do next. I am down to 5 pain pills. I got 30 of them in August, and I use them very sparingly. Every doc I go to thinks I am addicted to them or could be. I dont use them unless the pain is exteme. Which is becoming more and more often. Any ideas….mostly just wanted to vent. Glad to know I am not alone in this now. “