
“I too suffer from what now seems like “”dumping syndrome””.
I had my gallbladder removed back in July of 1999 at the age of 20. And ever since then I have suffered with diarriea, constipation, flatulence, nausea, and killer cramping. For the longest time I thougth that I too had cancer,I have had an ERCP and a colonoscopy performed, but after seeing a GI doctor up in Standford, he concluded that I had Colitis. He gave me medication that has not been working for me. I am really having a bad time. I can’t live my life the way I like too. I’m only 21 years old and I feel my life is over. I am attending college and I have about 3 more months before I will graduate, I’m scard to death about moving on. I don’t know how I will be able to work when I can’t even leave the bathroom. I lost my job because I had my gallbladder surgry. Now ever since then any job I have had I haven’t lasted more that 2 weeks because I quit. I have noticed like many of you, that my mornings often start the same way, I have breakfast and 10-15 minutes later I run off to the bathroom. I hardly leave my house, because I fear that I will have to rush to the bathroom. I have no social life!! I’m engaged to be married, sometimes I wonder if I’ll be able to walk down the isle without having an accident. I can’t take this kind of life style anymore. Its very neverecking and very uncomfortable. I stress over this every day and need some help. If anyone has any other information please E-mail me at ***@**** “