
“So sorry about all you are going through. I had my gb removed 10/8. I must say I haven’t been the same since. I did’t have any trapped stones and hopefully still don’t, but my Dr. feels I have IBS and Reflux, not necessarily from the Sx but possibly contributed to my GB attacks and symptoms. I do experience discomforts such as gas, belching, D and C off and on, stomach or ab pain. I am presently very nauseaus constantly, maybe from the meds I was on. Yes, very depressed. This is not quality of life. So I took antidepressants that made me very sick to my stomach and gave meget as anxiety attacks. Still having them. life has changed for me. Now I need to learn how to cope with this life the best way I can. This forum has a big part in that. Hope you can get as much help as you can from being here.

Hang in there with the rest of us!
