
4 weeks post -op lap chole. Still having daily stomach and abdomen pain, tense feeling, and fatigue through my core. Every night, my abdomen feels so tense and I cannot relax it. 43 yrs, 112 lbs 5’3″ Everyone said it would be a breeze. BTW, I am a operating room RN and it has not been a breeze at all. No other conditions going on either. I wonder if I was over-inflated during sutgery or something. I only feel good the first few hours of the day and then the tense tight sensation starts. I don’t know how much longer I can think I’m just still healing. Misery- at least the GB was not a daily event. It is awful and I’ve even had some ask if I have a “low pain tolerance” which I don’t. This feeling is mostly in my stomach and nearly a chonic thing now. Thanks for any advice. I work in ortho so we do no general surgeries, just bones. No help there. No diarrhea at all. Help