
“Reading all these messages about still having gallbladder pain has really made me feel better. I feel like I’ve been to a support group. These are the same exact problems I’ve been having and I’ve had my gallbladder out for 3 years! The pain is absolutely excruiciating. I’ve found that the only relief is throwing up the bile that is in my stomach, but that is dangerous and not the way I want relief. I haven’t been eating like I should, but the thing is, I don’t have pain generally after I eat. It is mostly when I am hungry. If I don’t eat something as soon as I get a hunger pang, the upper stomach pain is too much to handle and I have to go throw up bile! Its not just the pain that bothers me, its the embarassment. Imagine being on a first date and having to excuse yourself to go throw up. (that’s happened to me more than once) I have suffered long enough….this really sucks. Thanks for listening. Oh yeah, and the doctors I’ve seen can’t help me either…
