I too had my gall bladder removed last year and the same thing happened to me. I even had a scope (gastroduodenoscopy) of my stomach done, but there was no abnormalities there. Finally, I started monitoring the foods that I ate and the things I drank and noticed that certain foods (and the preparation of them), plus some things I drank irritated my stomache. At first it was hard to change, and even now I slip and suffer the consequences. I don’t know if I will ever know why this happens to me, but I am just glad that the scope showed no cancer or disease. Try keeping a journal of what you eat or drink and write down the effects. This will help you, not anly eat healthier, but it will help you to avoid the pain and discomfort. You can also experiment with the preparation of foods too and try different herbs. I used to fry or deep fry foods a lot and that was a killer, but now I broil, bake or barbeque and I avoid MSG (monosodium glutamate), that is a killer on the stomache. Hope this helps you!