my surgeon cut my small intestine and didn’t know and I was sent home. the next day my stomach was distended as big as it could get and I called my surgeon crying and explained to him how much pain I was in and he told me to tough it out and nothing is wrong with me. I got mad and hung up on him and went straight to the ER. my blood pressure was 60 over 50 and was telling them I was dying and to help me. they hooked me up to 2 ivs and did x-rays and CT scans and called my surgeon multiple times and could not find the exact problem but said there was an increasing amount of air and fluid on every scan. I went in Friday morning to that er and my Surgeon finally came in at midnight on Sunday by waking me up right before going in the doors of the surgery room. he said I do not know what’s wrong with you but I’m going to do open surgery and find out. IN MY OPINION I NEEDED THIS DONE FRIDAY AND I WAS ALREADY MAD AT HIM FOR NOT HELPING ME WHEN I CALLED HIM SO I’M PISSED OFF THAT HE WAS OPERATING ON ME AGAIN. well he removed 7 litters of fluid and sewed my small intestine back together. I woke up in pain because the nurse said he didn’t have time to numb me. I remember throwing up poop about 20 seconds before the anesthesia knocked me out. I told him I was in extreme pain because he didn’t k numb me and he lied and said yrs I did. this gets me to the fact that through this entire thing it was extremely difficult on me to have to constantly ask them to help with the pain. so the surgeon told me and my family that he accidentally cut open my small intestines but will go to his grave not knowing how. on medical records he lied about cutting my small intestines and blamed it on something called diverticulum. the next day he checks my staples then removes a bunch and I had a sepsis infection so he squeezed it out and destroyed my belly button and I had a huge deep open wound and then he left for vacation. I remained in the hospital for 20 days in terrible condition and I thought I was going to die there. now I have pain everyday on my left side and it gets worse every time I eat and swells up. my scar is painful and ugly when I stand up the scar feels tight.