Postcholecystectomy - Removal Problems

Umbilical port hernia following laparoscopic cholecystectomy

The incidence of incisional hernia occurring at the port sites after laparoscopic surgery, lies between 0.02 to 3.6%[1] and usually remains unreported, until the development of complications.[2] Such a case is reported here and the problem briefly reviewed. A 55 year-old obese lady presented to the emergency ward, with the complaints of pain, redness and […]

Pain After the Removal of The GallBladder

At present, approximately 750,000 people will get their gallbladder removed this year in America alone. Thanks to popularity of laparoscopic surgeries, many people think that removing their gallbladder  is a simple procedure. Though the procedure itself is not very risky, complications after  gallbladder removal surgery affect about 10-15% of patients and it is known as postcholecystectomy syndrome. […]

Gallbladder Removal Side Effects

Gallbladder surgery is a safe and commonly performed surgery. It involves the removal of the gallbladder from the body. The article provides information about the various gallbladder removal side effects. The liver produces bile in order to digest the fats. Some of this bile produced by the liver is held in a small pearshapedsac-like structure […]

Pain After Gall Bladder Removal

Gall bladder problems can be complex and they call about 500,000 people to the operating room table each year with anticipation of pain relief following the surgery as well as better digestion and enjoyment of meals. But sometimes things don’t get better after the surgery, they get worse. This article will explore two of the […]