Got good news today. May be of help to others. Had ultra sound today and everything is perfect. No problems with gallbladder or any other organ viewed. He saw on the notes that hospital wanted to admit me and bring surgical team to remove my gallbladder last week.
What I have is a Urinary Tract Infection that went undetected by me for over a month (that’s his estimation) and caused the inflamed gallbladder and terrible sickness. The gallbladder reacts as if there are stones, inflamation, infection, when UTI is untreated, giving all the same symptoms of stones. He said I was very lucky that I didn’t get admitted, as he has seen cases where surgery was rushed and the UTI found later.
I do feel 95 % better since going on Macrobid…although the first 2 days were hell, then all of a sudden, the pain stopped. He said I will be back to normal when the course is finished. Just wanted to post this, as it might help someone else. smile emoticon