A woman went to their ER for something completely unrelated to digestive issues and was admitted, then told she “needed” her gallbladder removed. Her family doctor of many years got wind of it, knew what they were up to, and went immediately to the hospital to try and talk sense to her, tried to tell her that she didn’t need it done and to go home pronto but the liars at the hospital had done such a good “sell” on her that she was confused and frightened and stalled in her decision-making capacity. So he did the only thing he could think of to save her from being railroaded into what he knew was dangerous and wrong: he ordered a great big meal for her and had it sent up to her room right away and told her to eat every single bite of it. The surgeon came storming into her room later and had a hissy fit because this good doctor had interfered with his plans for her and made it so she could not have the gallbladder surgery. By that time she had settled down and could think more clearly so took the good doctor’s advice and went home uncut.
One of those surgeons who was doing this training at that rural hospital had injured and killed so many people even the Medical Board could not look the other way anymore and eventually asked him to “voluntarily give up his license”. This was after I presented them with a list of names of all the people he had butchered.
In my possession I have one of their consent forms given to me by one of the LPNs he had injured. That hospital would have people sign one consent form then transfer their signature over to a completely different form allowing student surgery training. The jerks who were transferring the signatures never bothered to line up the original signatures with the signature lines on the document they were transferring it to and there would be signatures floating above the line, below the line, crooked. The FBI agents who examined this document describes the process that was used to transfer the signatures, did it using their copy machine and cutting strategically-placed holes in the paper.
One of their injury victims was a man who worked in their x-ray records department (this was in the days before digital x-ray images). He was disgusted that he was made to destroy certain patient’s x-ray files, en masse, right before an inspection was to take place.
The point to all this is that there is so much manipulation going on behind the scenes, by people who have no conscience or morals, that we outsiders cannot possible know all of it. And what we don’t know can kill us
This surgery killed actor Jaime Cardriche, County singer Tammy Wynette, actor Carroll O’Connor, and politician John Murtha. It killed my husband’s uncle, my friend’s uncle, a friend’s son, my neighbor. It permanently injured and is slowly killing people to this day
Author: Elizabeth Eugenia LaBozetta