Patient agreement to investigation or treatment
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Long term risks Risks advised to patients in order to obtain Informed Consent were
“Can I manage without my Gall Bladder?
Yes. The gall bladder is a reservoir for bile and we are able to manage without it. Rarely patients notice that their bowels are a little looser than before the operation but this is uncommon. You will be able to eat a normal diet after your operation, assuming that there is nothing else wrong with you.”
synonyms: | seldom, infrequently, on rare occasions, hardly ever, scarcely ever, hardly, scarcely, almost never, once in a while, only now and then, not often, only occasionally, sporadically;
informalonce in a blue moon
“she rarely mentions her late husband”
synonyms: | unusual, abnormal, rare, atypical, uncustomary, unconventional, unexpected, unfamiliar, strange, odd, curious, out of the ordinary, extraordinary, out of the way, outlandish, offbeat, irregular, deviant, novel, singular, peculiar, queer, bizarre, freakish, quirky, alien; More |
synonyms: | rarely, infrequently, on rare occasions, hardly ever, scarcely ever, hardly, scarcely, almost never, (every) once in a while, only now and then, not often, only occasionally, sporadically;
informalonce in a blue moon
“he was seldom absent”
The truth never disclosed by NHS- Post-cholecystectomy diarrhoea (PCD)
Submission ONE: Everyday Health – Digestive Problems After Gallbladder Surgery
While it’s not common, some people may experience digestive issues after gallbladder surgery.
Chronic diarrhea. Some people who did not previously have more than one bowel movement per day will find themselves having more frequent bowel movements after gallbladder removal. These can sometimes be loose and watery, and be accompanied by a sense of urgency. Recent studies have found that this can occur in up to 17 percent of people after gallbladder removal. Men younger than age 50, especially if they are obese, have the highest likelihood of long-term diarrhea after gallbladder surgery, but a significant number of people without those risk factors may also have diarrhea for months to years after surgery
Source: https://www.everydayhealth.com/gallbladder/digestive-problems-after-gallbladder-surgery.aspx
Submission Two: Post Cholecystectomy Diarrhoea—A Systematic Review
M. Farahmandfar, M. Chabok, M. Alade, A. Bouhelal and B. Patel, “Post Cholecystectomy Diarrhoea—A Systematic Review,” Surgical Science, Vol. 3 No. 6, 2012, pp. 332-338. doi: 10.4236/ss.2012.36065.
“Our systematic review showed that following cholecystectomy 9.1% of patients reported post-cholecystectomy diarrhoea as a troublesome problem. This figure is less than what has been reported in some studies, with figures ranging from 12% to 20% [2,6,9,13,16,20,22,29].”
“The prevalence of bile acid malabsorption (BAM), the most important suggested aetiological factor, was seen in 65.5% (36/55) patients with PCD.”
Patient Testimony – Post Cholecystectomy Diarrhoea
I had my gallbladder removed 6 years ago and it has been difficult ever since. I suffer from alot of things and haven’t been diagnosed with anything yet but I am trying to change that. First I have an appointment to see a dietitian, so we can discuss any allergies or deficiencies that might be present.
But in saying that, I have a feeling that i could have BAM ( bile acid malabsorption). As my bowel movements are painful and frequent. I have constant gut pain, sore joints, bloating, diarrhea, gas, headaches, swelling, arthritis in my wrist, back pain and the list goes on.
I just happen to read your post. I to have this problem and I have had my gallbladder removed for 7 years now. My problem with this as continued to progress over the years. I am so worried and concerned because my sister had the same thing happen to her after having her gallbladder removed. Her condition progressed as to it controlled her life, she lost weight, developed an autoimmune problem, dehydration , diverticulitis, and she tried changing her diet , medications, antibiotics, until after she almost died from lack of heart related problems because of vitamin deficiencies a hosptial Dr. had her to try “Questran Light”, she thought she had found the life saver, taking it has it was prescribed. It caused her to have bowel blockage in the lower intestine. They unblocked her in the hospital and she blocked back up again. Then they decided to do a colopasty surgeon in order to bypass the intestines and keep nutrients inside her. The Dr. messed her surgery up and left a staple inside her which formed a hole, she later died from sepsis because of his mess up which he did not correct. What I’m saying is be VERY careful using Questran are any of the prescription medications. I am not sure the answer, which i am searching for as I have developed the same problem.
Since I have had my Gall Bladder removed in 1998 I ssem to have diarrhea and had been diagnosed with IBS. I notice that generally it occurs after fasting or if I eat a high fat content diet. I am wondering if I could have a form of dumping syndrome? I know that IBS can come any many shapes and forms but I rarely ever have constipation with it just diarrhea. Since here recently it has gotten to the point that everytime I eat (generally after fasting or eat a high fat contenet diet) I have diarrhea. It has become hard to go anywhere after I eat because I have to run to the bathroom let alone trying to go to work after eating
I had my gallbladder removed 11 years ago and have had no problems until the last few months, other than the oh so common diarrhea problem. However now I am having the worse time (it comes and goes) with indigestion. What I am experiencing is the lump, feels like its in the middle of my chest and sometimes my throat as it goes down…sometimes it radiates to my back as the pain did before I got my gallbladder ripped out
It has been 10 years since I had my gall bladder surgery and I am still experiencing digestion problems (alternating between constipation and chronic, painful diahrreah). I seldom have a regular BM. When diarreah occurs, I have hot flashes lasting 15 minutes until the BM is over, and severe abdominal pain. There is also a visible grease line in the toilet bowl and I can see where the fat is NOT breaking down. When I have constipation, I experience bloating, exhaustion, and blurred vision. One of the side effects of gallbladder removal can be the dumping of bile which can send someone running to the bathroom immediately after eating. On the flip side, your body can also sometimes experience a decrease in the secretion of bile which results in weight gain as fat is not broken down.
ETHICAL – Violations
The concept of consent arises from the ethical principle of patient autonomy[1] and basic human rights.[2] Patient’s has all the freedom to decide what should or should not happen to his/her body and to gather information before undergoing a test/procedure/surgery. No one else has the right to coerce the patient to act in a particular way.
LEGAL – Violations
No one has the right to even touch, let alone treat another person. Any such act, done without permission (as a result of making informed consent), is classified as “battery”[3] – physical assault and is punishable.
The issue: Non disclosure for the following risks post removal of gallbladder and function. False information putting patient safety at risk
The legal position regarding the provision of information needed to make an infromed consent derives from the 1985 case of Sidaway v Board of Governors Bethlem Royal Hospital (Sidaway v Board of Governors Bethlem Royal and the Maudsley Hospital [1985] 2 WLR 480), where the House of Lords held that the legal standard to be used in deciding whether adequate information had been given to a patient would be the same as that in judging whether a doctor had been negligent in their care.
HUMAN RIGHTS – Violations
The International Human Rights law including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) proclaims the right for all human beings to live in conditions that enable them to enjoy good health and health care. The problems associated with this procedures (carried out mainly to woman ) often have brutal consequences for a woman’s physical and mental health
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979), the Convention against Torture, and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, prohibits the infliction of physical or mental pain or suffering on women
Article 5: No one shall be subjected to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
Article 8: everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
Article 25: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.