Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl. 1992;192:67-76. Dowling RH1. Abstract This article reviews selected aspects of the non-surgical/minimally invasive treatments of gallbladder stones (GBS) and discusses briefly the residual role of these treatments in the era of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In patients with specific, gallstone-related symptoms who wish to retain their ‘functioning’ gallbladders, there are at least six different […]
Treatment for Gallstones
The pros and cons of laparoscopic cholecystectomy and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in the management of gallstone disease
i, J. G. Geraghty, N. N. Williams, S. S. Sheehan, A. N. Tanner, and F. B. Keane Author information ? Copyright and License information ? See letter “Costs and cost-effectiveness.” on page 213. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract The recent introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LAPC) has revolutionised the surgical treatment of gallstone disease. However, it has also raised doubts about the […]
Ursodeoxycholic acid therapy in gallbladder disease, a story not yet completed
Michele Pier Luca Guarino, Silvia Cocca, Annamaria Altomare, Sara Emerenziani, and Michele Cicala Abstract Gallstone disease represents an important issue in the healthcare system. The principal non-invasive non-surgical medical treatment for cholesterol gallstones is still represented by oral litholysis with bile acids. The first successful and documented dissolution of cholesterol gallstones was achieved in 1972. Since then a large […]
Dr. Darren Schmidt – Should I Get My Gall Bladder Removed?
Alternative surgery treatment options never disclosed AND why
Treatment options :Sleisenger & Fordtran’s Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease:Pathophysiology/Diagnosis/Management actuality states the following During the 1990s, there was a 29% increase in the number of cholecystectomies performed,with over a 100% increase in cholecystectomy for acute acalculous cholecystitis and 300% increase for biliary dyskinesia. Although nonsurgical methods of gallstone removal, including pharmacologic dissolution, shock wave lithotripsy, and endoscopic laser ablation, were once […]
19 ways to preserve your gall bladder
In the first two articles in this series (here and here), we demolished myths about gall bladder disease. Now, I’ll share with you some documented ways to keep from losing your gall bladder to the surgeon. 1. Low-carb diet. Contrary to popular belief, it’s excess dietary carbs that promote gallstones, not fat. There’s a close concordance between insulin resistance, obesity, Type […]
Encyclopedia of Surgery – Alternative Surgery Treatment Options
Extract from Surgery text books confirming alternative treatment options are full understood by Surgeons : (Alternative Treatment). There are no other acceptable alternatives for gallstone removal besides surgery, shock wave fragmentation, or chemical dissolution. Patients with symptomatic cholelithiasis can be treated with certain medications called oral bile acid litholysis or oral dissolution therapy. This technique […]
Series Dr. Eric Berg – How to Dissolve Gallstones
Dieting and Treatment for Gallstones
By Tracee Cornforth Updated March 11, 2017 PIXOLOGICSTUDIO/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Getty Images As most people know, there are significant health benefits to be gained from losing excess pounds. For example, many people can reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels through weight loss. Overweight people are at greater risk of developing gallstones than people of average […]
Non-surgical treatment of gall stones: many contenders but who will win the crown?