I had my GB removed on March 17, 2009. Since then, I to have been experiencing difficulty with diarrhea. I am so afraid that one day I may not be able to make it to restroom in time (at work or home). If not, this would be just devastatingly embarassing for me. But from reading everyone else’s blog, I see that Immodium maybe just a partial relief to my situation. But before I result to that, I am going to consult with my doctor. Just this past weekend, I began feeling sharp pains on my left side. But funny though, before I had the surgery, I talked to the doctor and he was explaining to me how it works. His exact words were, “Oh you don’t need your Gallbladder, you can live with out it.” BS! I have been experiencng issues ever since it was removed. Like I told him, if I didn’t need it, God wouldn’t have given it to me. Needless to say, I sure hope this problem works itself out and fast, because I can’t take too much more of this ALL day business in the bathroom. LOL!