
I had my gall bladder removed in Dec. 2008, in Feb.2009 I started having the same pain on my right upper side as I had before surgery. I have had countless ultrasounds and CT scans, results normal. I had an endoscope which showed redness and largenarities (misspelled), I don’t know what that means, but sample was sent to the lab. I have to wait 10 days for those results. I also had a colonoscopy and had one pylop removed also lab and 10 day wait. I was given nexium by my primary Doctor but was on it for only three days due to the prep I had to do. So I called my Doctor to tell him what I had been told and to ask for help. The Dr. I went to in Dec. had given me 2 anitbotics to take untill the blood test came back for ulcers. It was neg. so she told me to quit taking the antibiotics. I found out today that I had H. pylori back in Dec. and the Dr. that did the surgery had wrote that I was being treated for this H. pylori. I have a history of cancer in my family and that really scares me, but I think with the ultrasounds and CT scans and endoscope that would have been found. I have started back on the Nexium today. I stay away from Italian food as that tends to bother me. I can only do so much at a time before the pain get unbearable and I have to lie down or just rest. I have been off work because of this. I sleep but with pain pills so I can get some sleep. I sleep flat on my stomach it’s the only way I can that feels comfortable. I do fine first thing in the morning then after about an hour or less the pain starts and doesn’t lighten any unless I rest. I don’t know what to do except try the Nexium and probably go on the antibiotics for the H., pylori,which is what? Thanks for listening this has helped some by getting it off my chest.