
I had my surgery 2 weeks ago today with the laparascope. I too was assured that after 7-10 days I’d feel pretty much back to my old self. Well my old self never had indigestion. I have IBS but never diarrhea like I get now. But worst of all is the right-side pain. As I sit here typing I’m trying to breath ‘over’ the pain (old Lamaze technique) and it helps. The other day I was trying to rub off the remaining sticky tape residue where I assume my gallbladder used to be and I got a terrible searing, tearing kind of pain and now that spot is sore to touch most of the time. Guessing maybe I just disturbed a healing spot but I feel awful. Nausea and occasional lowgrade temp (no more than 100). I’ve called the doctor, spoken to his nurse who assured a call back. That was 3 days ago. Today he’s in surgery. I don’t want to sound like a hypochondriac but I assumed I’d be back to work in another week or so (I’m a personal chef so lots of lifting, time on my feet). Not like this, or at least not with real pain meds. I also have fibroymalgia, which has flared up but this is not fibro pain. It helped to read this forum though and see that I am NOT loosing my mind or imagining the pain. Hope everyone finds relief and answers soon. Do you get the feeling that sometimes doctors think this pain is in our heads or we’re exaggerating it? After all…they figure they removed the cause right?